BakerStone Pizza Oven
You’re not getting a full-sized brick pizza oven installed anytime soon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy delicious homemade pizza. You can find a hundred different recipes online that tell you to use your conventional oven, but it never comes out right. Proper pizza ovens make proper pizzas, plain and simple. BakerStone makes one of the best non-electric alternatives on the market.
You load this up with your pizza and toss it on the grill. It’s that simple. There’s no wiring, nothing to fiddle with except the heat coming directly from your preferred source. This can work by taking up half of your six-burner indoor conventional range top and works with most grills that have a decent amount of space.
Pop it on, and forget about it. Thanks to the ceramic construction and heat-trapping technology, the BakerStone pizza oven only requires an average of two to four minutes to completely cook your pizza. Five to seven minutes for a thick calzone. Either way, you slice it, you’re going to end up with an authentic crisp and proper, thorough cooking experience. If you’re a bit hesitant on your first use, you can monitor the internal temperature with the top-side temp gauge.
BakerStone is an extremely inexpensive alternative to getting a full-sized stone pizza oven installed, even for outdoor kitchen areas. Not only that, but they also include a wooden pizza peel, a fabric pizza box (so you can store leftovers), and a metal turner to help withdraw your pizza from the stone.
Keep in mind, you’ll also be able to put this to use when dessert time rolls around. Once your pizza oven is preheated, you can cook cookies and cinnamon rolls (or just about any sweets that you like), all in a few minutes time.