Fitness Apps For Men
Getting healthy should mostly demand the attention of your muscles, not your wallet. Luckily, the possibilities of our mobile devices are unlimited and there are many free and affordable fitness apps that you can use to work out sparing you the hefty fees of a personal trainer. Whether you’re a performance orientated athlete or a motivated beginner, the following best fitness apps for men can help increase your stamina and agility, whenever and wherever you want.
1. Jefit
Jefit is a very popular gym workout app that both Android and iOS users would be very excited to use. Think of it as your personal fitness coach but in app form. How cool is that?! The app allows you to manage your training routine as well as easily keep track of how you are progressing with your workouts. With over seven million registered users creating and tracking their workout plans, Jefit is perfect for goal driven men. The app has over three thousand workout programmes that you can choose from, allowing you to track your workout plan on multiple devices including smart workout watches. It also has an interesting feature that enables you to create a picture tracker of their fitness progress by creating a perfect before and after image.
2. Fitocracy
If you are the type of guy that loves to reward yourself for every effort made towards accomplishing your fitness goals, Fitocracy is the best place to start. Who wouldn’t want a reward system like this?! The app comes well equipped with workout routines built in by professional fitness coaches and experts who are also available to assess your efforts and recommend a workout plan for you. The coaches, just like in real life gym workout sessions, will be there to guide and motivate you. In addition, you can even have a meal plan created that will be personalized to suit your fitness needs and goals.
3. Pocket Yoga
If a dive into the world of Yoga is on your agenda this year, but you are still feeling intimidated about joining a real-life session where all kinds buffs show off their flexibility, this next app will be perfect for you. The Pocket Yoga app, available on both iOS and Android, brings to life the exact feeling of being in a real Yoga studio with an instructor guiding you. The app instructs users with a very soothing voice through the different practice sessions available. Each Yoga practice on the app has been carefully designed to have different duration and difficulty levels, allowing you to determine how hard you want to go on the practice and how long that want to do it. With this handy, you can practice Yoga anywhere and anytime without the feeling of being watched and you can completely kill any excuse to miss a practice. And don’t worry, the app also tells you when to inhale and exhale.
4. Zumba Dance App
If you are a carefree lad who loves to wiggle and giggle, bring an intensive dance workout into your home with the Zumba Dance app. Dancing is a fun exercise to incorporate into a workout routine, and this app offers the perfect exercise fitness program that involves dancing to energetic music using aerobics movements. Aerobic exercise, when done regularly, three to five times a week, can help burn belly fat fast. The app also offers a variety of dance routines so users won’t get bored.
5. Sworkit Lite
Sworkit Lite is the perfect workout buddy for extremely busy men. So if you have no time to work out, this app can create an effective workout plan for you even if it is just one minute you have to spare. It kills every excuse for guys who struggle to keep fit due to work or other commitments. The beauty of this app is that the recommended workout plans are extremely personalized to detail. This means you will only receive a plan which you can realistically commit to.
6. Fooducate
Just as the name implies, the Fooducate app educates users on foods to keep fit and stay healthy. For men who already look fit or want to stick to a healthy meal plan to ensure they do not stay out of shape, this app would be perfect. It scans and grades foods to determine the nutritional value of each meal as well as reports on each graded or scanned meal. The reports come alongside recommendations for healthier substitutes which they can choose from. Fooducate is available on both Android and iOS.
7. Runtastic
Get off the couch and into your running pants as this next app will have you chasing miles. As the name implies, the Runtastic app is perfect for men who need to up their stamina or those who are into any kind of exercise that keeps them in constant motion. Runtastic is more than just an app; it is a community of people who are engaged in various kinds of sporting activities to keep fit and stay healthy. They can share their goals with other members of the community who are there to cheer them on when they reach each fitness milestone and also track their preferred sporting activity to keep fit.
8. Nike Training Club App
This next app comes fully loaded with all kinds of training programs and tips for both amateur or professional athletes or anyone who wants to keep fit and improve their stamina. What’s great about this app is that most of the programs were created by professionals and you don’t have to be an athlete to use it.
You can choose from more than 100 workouts, gradually training all zones of your body and select a workout plan which comes with video explanation and demonstrations. This is how you prevent mistakes and become significantly more effective. The app also allows you to view the results of each plan and monitor your fitness goals closely. And when you reach your peak, the next level is unlocked. And off! This app is perfect for outdoor cardio exercises but you can also creatively incorporate it for indoor use as well.
9. GymPact (Now referred to as Pact)
How cool is it to earn money for every fitness commitment you fulfill? That is one of the perks of the GymPact app. It is a motivational fitness app that uses incentives and penalties for driving users towards accomplishing their fitness goals. If users are able to commit to their goal they get rewarded, but if they fail, they receive a penalty. In addition to this, the GymPact app also provides meal tracking features to help you track what you consume so you can have better fitness results when you eat properly. The app is available both on Android and iOS.
10. Aaptiv
Aaptiv is an audio enabled workout app for men who prefer to listen to instructions rather than watch. But we are not talking about listening with a pint of lager in one hand, but listening and taking part. You can choose to work with an Aaptiv trainer or simply opt for one of the weekly workout plans published on the app. Aaptiv’s audio guided fitness programs can be used anywhere and anytime as your personal trainer. So, you can now skip paying high fee charges for a personal trainer by simply downloading this useful app!
11. Class Pass
The Class Pass fitness app is for those who prefer to work out in groups. Exercising can be more fun when you do it with others and this was the idea behind its creation; where people motivate each other to stay fit and live healthier lifestyles. So if you are thinking of how you and your buddies can enjoy fitness together, consider this app. Similar to Pocket Yoga and Aaptiv, Class Pass is also audio enabled fitness app that offers audio workout instructions to users for every selected plan.
12. Fitbod
Want an all-around fit body? Then consider using the Fitbod fitness app. This app is great for men who are enthusiastic about weightlifting as it uses artificial intelligence to analyze the body of your body to determine the areas that need attention. You can then focus more attention on those specific areas for a perfect contour. The artificial intelligence also helps to determine the kind of exercises you should be engaging in, so as not to overstretch your muscles and prevent any injuries from occurring when engaging in exercises too rigorous for your body type.
13. Keelo
The Keelo app is also similar to Fitbod but appears to be slightly more intense. At it offers users more intensive workout plans, it’s best suited for professional athletes or those who have been working out consistently. The app gears more towards body sculpting fitness that combines weight lifting with other exercises. In less than twenty minutes a day, you are covered with a very intense workout routine and you can choose to increase the duration you want for each routine.
14. NEOU
NEOU is the perfect fitness app for anyone. Whether a beginner or pro, this app gifts you with very simple exercises to very intense ones. NEOU provides various workout routine and plans that suit your specific needs offering an amazing live stream feature where you can experience an on-demand workout and live stream it on the go! You can later look back on the stream or send it to various fitness experts from any part of the world for feedback on your performance. With this app, it is almost impossible to get bored with workout routines as you can take part in or watch fresh workout routines as they are released. In fact, many celebrities swear by this app.
15. 8fit
You can call this next app your personal trainer and nutritionist in one. The 8fit app is perfect for men who are conscious about being fit all round in terms of what they eat and the simple fitness exercises they can partake in. You can even ask questions about what foods to eat or exercises to do to keep healthy which can then be answered by a pro. The motivational app is a successful change from the conventional fitness programs. No strict plan, no success control, but just fun to exercise.