10 Urban Survival Skills You Need To Master
Whether you are a tourist who has found himself lost in the dodgier part of an unfamiliar city or the “you know what” has hit the fan and you’re stuck in the midst of mayhem and anarchy, then having a few urban survival skills at your disposal might just save your life. These skills take being “street smart” to the next level and they will not only help you to remain calm and focused in an unorderly situation but they will also help you to devise a strategic plan of what steps you need to take to survive. To ensure that you are one of the last men standing, we encourage you to brush up on the following 10 must need urban survival skills.
Blend In
The more you stand out the more likely you will become a target, this means you need to know how to blend in. If you are carrying valuables get rid of them or hide them well on your person. Wear neutral-colored clothing, preferably with no popular brand names. If you must carry belongings in a backpacking backpack, opt for something that looks grungy or low-key and carry only the bare minimum.
Finding Clean Water
In a best-case scenario, you will be left with running taps. We encourage you to stock up on as much water as you can by filling buckets by the gallon. If the water has been turned off, try to catch rainwater or make a trip to the nearest water mess (lake, river, or pond) to collect water that you can keep at home or on your person. Of course, this water will need to be purified before it’s suitable for drinking. This means that you should always have the following readily available so that you can sanitize water in dire situations:
- Matches to boil water
- Bleach (two drops of bleach per 500ml water)
- Water purifying tablets
- A portable water filter
Once your own food sources have run dry then it might be time for desperate measures. If you are a tourist, always head out prepared with a well-stocked bag of protein bars. If the world has turned to utter chaos then survival is of the utmost importance. You will have to know where to find available food in the city you’re in and anything from grocery food stores to office blocks is an open pantry. Knowing where to find “growing” food is also a skill – herbs, vegetables, berries, and even edible plants like dandelions will sustain you when other food is scarce.
Finding Shelter
If you are not safe at home when bedlam arises, then after water and food, a safe shelter should be your next priority. We recommend that you always carry a map on you, preferably one that pinpoints schools, libraries, hospitals, and other public buildings that could be stocked not only with food but also safety supplies, camping blankets, and sanitary living conditions. Less obvious locations where you won’t easily be found are more ideal. Wherever you do find shelter, we recommend keeping noise and the use of bright lights to a minimum.
Brushing up on your self-defence skills is a recommendation no matter the scenario. Knowing when and how to fight back and protect yourself is the ultimate survival skill and will get you out of many unsafe situations.
Staying Calm And Alert
A tiny bit of chaos is enough for us to lose our sanity, never mind finding yourself in an apocalyptic scenario. The key is to stay calm, focused and alert. Running around like a headless chicken will lead to danger, if not death. If you can, find a quiet and safe spot where you can compose yourself before making your next thought-over step.
First Aid
Having easy access to first aid essentials is important, knowing how to use them, even more so. First aid skills will come in handy for day-to-day life but it will become a necessity in dire situations where you or the people around you are in harm’s way. We encourage you to do a course today – there’s no such thing as being too safe.
If you live in a city, we encourage you to get to know the area well now. You never know when a narrow alley, a small doctor’s practice, or a concealed driveway will become your saving grace. We also encourage you to carry a map at all times and to study this map so that you always have a good idea of where you are even if you do not get the opportunity to refer to it.
In the direst of circumstances, there’s a huge chance that your hard-earned cash won’t amount to anything. This is where we go back to the good old days of bartering. Carry items like bottles of water, smokes, energy bars, and even medical supplies on your person and you’ll have the means to barter or trade your way through some tricky situations.
The be all does not have to be the end all. Even if the world has gone mad and you are stuck in the midst of it, you can still turn the mayhem of urban living into a fruitful future. From knowing how to raise chickens to nurturing seedlings, we all have innate survival skills that make what might look like the impossible – possible. Brush up on the basics and you stand a chance! Rely on Google for help – while it’s still here!
- 10 Urban Survivor Skills to Master Before TSHTF, Ready To Go Survival
- 15 Urban Survivor Skills To Master, Survival Fortress