Apollo: VII – XVII
It seems pretty hard to comprehend that only 50 years ago the moon was unchartered territory. These days 50 years is over in a flash and yet we all talk about the first moon landing, that undeniable milestone in the history of humankind (unless you’re a Flat Earther of course) as having always been accessible. This beautiful commemoration hard backed booked is a true celebration of the bravery, courage, and sense of adventure of the original crew who spearheaded this groundbreaking mission. These days space travel is more frequent than ever before, and it won’t be long before civilians are hopping on a rocket for a trip into outer space!
Thought provokingly written and accompanied by beautiful and thrilling, never before published images and photographs, this book is a pure delight and offers a real insight into the experience of the Apollo astronauts leading up to and during the landing. Over 27,000 images have been curated and digitized from the archives and an impressive and glorious 225 of the most remarkable and breathtaking ones selected for this 50th Anniversary celebration. They vividly bring to mind what still has to be one of the most seminal moments of the 20th century. That and England winning the World Cup right!
Alongside the superb photographic account of the historical proceedings are little-known titbits and fascinating insider facts about the missions that really help to bring the scenes to life. There’s also an interesting foreword from NASA astronaut Walter Cunningham which is well worth a read. If you are an avid fan of space and air travel, then you are going to totally be in awe of this book. Even if you’re not and you just love and appreciate photography, modern history and the rise in pop culture that’s shaped our society ever since those eventful days back in July 1969, this really is a must-have read. Sure to become a firm collector’s item.