Free Camping In The USA
Camping is all about being free and at one with nature, but unfortunately, we usually have to pay a small fee to a campsite for the privilege. This fee is never usually too extortionate, but if you want a camping trip with absolutely no rules or dents in the bank whatsoever, then it’s time for you to discover some epic ways to camp for free in the USA. If you follow this guide, you’ll be on the road in no time and embracing the natural world more so than ever before. It’s time to pack your bags and go on a camping trip with no hidden costs!
Hire A Campervan
If you want to feel like a true nomad, we’d recommend hiring or buying a campervan. Campervans will not only make you look like the coolest man on the roads, but they’re actually really practical for camping, too. As campervans have a large space in their trunks, you won’t need to find somewhere to pitch up your camping tent, as you can simply sleep in the trunk instead! This will be a really fun experience as you can kit the trunk out with camping blankets and camping pillows to give it a real homely feel.
Campervans are not only great in terms of comfort, but they will also give you a whole lot of freedom when it comes to your camping destinations. When you pay for a campsite, you can’t suddenly change your mind and camp elsewhere. When you hire a campervan, however, you can get behind the steering wheel and experiment with any location you like. You won’t need to look for some soft grass to pitch your tent and you’ll be able to enjoy the safety of locked doors at night. Sounds pretty sweet, right?
Sleep In National Forests
It’s important to check rules and regulations before setting off, but most of the time, the majority of national forests in the US allow you to camp in them for free. Just as long as you’re not pitching up your camping tent on an already-established campsite, you’ll be able to enjoy a peaceful weekend away in the heart of nature. Some national forests will even allow you to bring a camping grill, so you can cook some tasty food as well! Does it get better than that?
Just remember that if you are camping for free in a national forest, you won’t be around any amenities or services. Due to this, you’ll need to make sure your camping backpack is fully equipped with everything you’ll need to survive; but that’s all part of the fun!
Stay On Roadsides
Camping on the roadside is ideal for travelers covering a lot of distance on their trips. If you’ve decided to camp in a car or campervan, then there’s nothing stopping you from camping on a roadside. This is a slightly more dangerous option to take, but as long as you ensure that the spot you choose is safe and out of harm’s way, you should be in for a good night’s sleep. If your plan is to explore miles upon miles each day, then simply camp on the roadside for free and get moving again as soon as you wake up!
Check Out Bureau Of Land Management
If you want to camp in a discreet location which requires no cost, then it’s worth looking into areas owned by BLM (Bureau of Land Management). These areas cannot simply be found on Google Maps, but if you do some research on BLM then you’ll soon discover which of their areas are safe for camping. We’d recommend bringing some sleeping pads along with you if you camp on BLM land as it can be quite rough at times, but nonetheless, you can’t complain too much if you’ve got permission to pitch up your camping tent for free.
Walmart Overnight Parking
Perhaps not the classiest type of camping, but if you need somewhere quick and easy to stay the night, you can park up in a Walmart carpark. The majority of these carparks allow overnight parking, meaning technically, there’s nothing stopping you from camping here. This is particularly helpful if you’re on a long road trip or too exhausted to drive. And, unlike other free camping stops, you’ll have food and drink ready to be purchased right at your fingertips!
Things To Remember When Camping For Free
Just like any other camping trip, there are some important things to remember when attempting to camp for free. Make sure that you remember the following pointers in order to ensure that you have a safe experience:
- Insurance: If you’re hiring a campervan, make sure that your insurance has you covered in the case of emergencies. Sometimes, insurance doesn’t cover you if you’re off-road, so be sure to take this into account.
- Maps: Free camping stops won’t be as easy to find as established campsites, so make sure that you have a map at the ready!
Rules and regulations: Although free camping spots have fewer rules, it’s still important to check that you’re actually allowed to camp there before pitching up. This will help you avoid nasty trespassing fines. - Gas: We doubt you want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with no way to get home. Always make sure that the vehicle you are travelling in is full of gas. If possible, bring a spare gas container with you so that you’re ready for a refill in the unfortunate case of running dry.
- Wild animals: Established campsites will have procedures in place for if a wild animal was to come on to the scene. With free camping spots, this won’t be the case. Keep your eyes peeled for wild animals and make sure that your food is stowed away safely, otherwise, it’ll make a very attractive bait!
Enjoy Your Cheapest Camping Trip Yet
That’s right – you really can have all this camping fun without having to pay for the experience. Mix things up a bit with your next camping trip and see how you get on!