Benefits Of Reading
When was the last time you lost yourself in a good book? If it’s been a while since you you’ve indulged in a spot of reading, you might want to pick up the habit once again (and no – browsing through Twitter and your Facebook feed doesn’t count)!
Reading just a few pages a day has proven to be beneficial in many ways. It’s an easy way to broaden your horizons (from the comfort of your own couch), brush up on your language skills, and simply indulge in one of the world’s oldest methods of relaxation.
If you’re not convinced, perhaps the following 10 insightful reasons will nudge you into realizing just how good a daily read is for you.
1. It Keeps Your Mind Moving
Did you know that studies show that reading regularly can help to delay (or even prevent) the onset of Alzheimer’s and Dementia?
When you keep your brain active and engaged, you strengthen its power and performance. Reading exercises your brain muscles and stimulates your brain activity so that it remains in its best shape.
2. It Reduces Stress
If you ever need to lose yourself in a world that helps you to forget your own worries and difficulties, then pick up a book. Reading doesn’t only give you time to breathe and recollect your thoughts and therefore relieve stress, but the stories and adventures give you some escape and sometimes they can give you a different perspective of your own life.
3. You’ll Become More Knowledgeable
When you read the bits of information in a book, you can pick up an abundance of knowledge and new understanding. And as the saying goes…knowledge is power! Knowledge gives you the tools you need to make good decisions in life, it makes you understand the world better, and it gives a great foundation for learning new things in general.
4. You Will Expand Your Vocabulary
Reading exposes you to words that you may otherwise never have known existed. As you read, you will start to broaden your own vocabulary. Being articulate and well-spoken are wonderful qualities to have. They will help you with your self-confidence and can even help you to boost your career.
5. It Helps To Improve Your Memory
When you read, and especially if you are reading a book, then you are encouraged to remember everything from the characters and the plots to the hidden themes and nuances that weave their way through every story. This stimulates our brains and strengthens our memories. It’s no surprise that we can remember the books we read with relative ease!
Did you know that every new memory you create forges new brain pathways? Memories also strengthen existing pathways!
6. It Builds Logic And Critical Thinking Skills
When you read books with intriguing storylines, then it’s not uncommon to try and predict where each story is heading. For example, if you read a novel that features a mystery, then you are going to try and put the pieces together to try and determine “whodunnit”.
This ability to analyze the small details allows you to build your logic and critical thinking skills so that you can put the pieces of the puzzle together in your own life too. It’s this type of thinking that can also help you to determine whether a book is well written or not.
7. It Improves Focus And Concentration
We live in a world where our attention is often pulled every which way at once. Multitasking is the name of the game! But when you read, even if it’s for a short period of time, then you get to focus your attention on the message or storyline. Everything else falls away and you can immerse yourself in literature.
Even a quick 10-15 minute read per day can help you learn anything faster and become more focused and centered.
8. Your Writing Skills Will Improve
When you expose yourself to work that has been written well, then it only goes to say that your own writing skills will be influenced by the new words, techniques, and styles. If you have a preferred author, you may even start to mimic their fluidity.
Just like musicians influence each other, writers also tend to create a writing style that’s a result of the books that they have read from other writers.
Suffice to say, your writing vocabulary, spelling, and grammar will also improve over time.
9. It’s Free Entertainment
If you have found yourself with nothing to do and no extra money to splurge, then a book will get you through the more idle moments in life. You can feed off of the intrigue of a detective novel or you can head off on an adventure with characters who you long to have as friends of your own. Who says books aren’t fun?
And the best news is that books are free! Yup, head off to your local library and become a member.
10. It’s A Tranquil Hobby
We mentioned that reading is relaxing but sinking into a story is more than just your average hobby and “break” from real life.
When you read a book with a gentle topic, then it has the power to bring about immense inner peace and tranquillity. Spiritual texts are especially calming and can calm your soul as you try to delve deep into finding your “self”.
The Bottom Line…
Because there is a reading genre for every literate person on the planet, there’s simply no excuse why you shouldn’t pick up a book (or even a magazine) at least once a day. Reading feeds your soul and your mind at the same time. A good book can inspire you, encourage you, and sometimes it can make you see life with a whole new meaning. The benefits are endless, really.