Best Man Speech Mistakes You Should Avoid
Weddings are those great occasions where two people who have fallen in love, take the plunge and make their vows to spend their lives together. They are gatherings that bring together family and friends from all over the planet to celebrate the joining of two souls. No one is more important on that day than the bride and the groom.
One of the most important roles in a wedding is that of the best man. Apart from the happy couple and, perhaps their parents, the best man and the maid of honor are possibly the most noticeable people at a wedding. For the most part, their role is to be witnesses to the nuptials and to assist the bride and groom in any way they can, from pre-wedding arrangements to handling unruly relatives and pretty much being a friendly, supportive face in a throng of enthusiastic well-wishers.
One of the biggest tasks that belongs to the best man is the best man’s speech at the reception. Here he regales the guests with his wit and charm as mentions his longtime friendship with the groom before calling for a toast to the happy couple. Your best man speech can be a roaring success or an unmitigated disaster. To make your best man speech a success that will be remembered for all the right reasons, don’t make these 10 mistakes while making your best man speech.
1. Don’t Get Drunk Before The Speech
Yes, we all know weddings are events where alcohol flows freely and your best friend just got married so you want to celebrate as much as possible. That’s all well and good, but all eyes will be on you when it’s speech time so you have to do it with style and confidence. You don’t want to stumble to the microphone and slur all your words. Even worse, say something completely inappropriate while in your drunken stupor. By all means, have a drink or two during dinner, but leave the hard partying for when your important task is done.
2. Don’t Mention The Exes
It stands to reason that your best friend had girlfriends before choosing the one he wanted to marry. The bride is probably well aware of the fact that her new husband has a past. That doesn’t mean she, or any of the other guests want to hear about the groom’s past love interests. Such details may really annoy the bride and cause unnecessary tension so it’s a topic that doesn’t need to be in your speech.
3. No Maligning The Institution Of Marriage
Okay, so you’re not really the marrying kind and you think the whole deal is a little redundant. Your buddy obviously doesn’t think so which is why you’re now standing with a microphone in your hands at his wedding. The best man’s speech is not the time to air your disdain about the institution of marriage. Keep your speech happy and positive.
4. Keep It Clean
Cracking dirty jokes when you’re hanging with the boys is one thing, but it’s not appropriate material for a best man’s speech. Keep in mind that weddings are usually family occasions and guest include children who may not be ready to hear such profaneness. Such jokes may also make many of the other guests uncomfortable so keep it clean.
5. Ditch The Insider Stories
During your best man speech, you may want to make mention of the special bond you have with the groom. Understandably, you’ve probably shared many happy and not so happy memories. While you may want to share some special or significant stories, keep them to a minimum.
6. Don’t Disregard The Bride
You may be secretly mourning the loss of your best bud to his new wife and you may not even like her very much. The best man’s speech is not the time to vocalize something of this nature. Your job on the day is to be supportive of your friend so during the speech, wish him all the happiness in the world and raise your glass to the woman who has made his so happy. Failing to acknowledge her presence on this day is a major faux pas and you may end up driving a wedge between yourself and your friend.
7. Don’t Discuss Costs
Everybody knows that weddings cost a fortune and many people even need to take out loans to finance them. The best man’s speech is not the time to discuss how much the reception cost or how extravagant the bride’s engagement ring or wedding dress are. Money is never a classy topic to discuss and definitely should be avoided in your speech.
8. No Shaming The Groom
As best friend to the groom you probably have dozens of funny stories to tell. However, making him look like an idiot on his wedding day is not on. If you do have some funny tales to tell, stick to the ones that resemble light banter and a little bit of ribbing. You want to make him laugh, not kill you.
9. Don’t Snivel
Weddings are emotional affairs and it’s natural to be overjoyed at your friend’s step into matrimony. It’s fine to show your joy, just don’t turn into a sniveling mess. The last thing the groom and guests need to be worrying about is comforting you in your moment of weakness.
10. Don’t Offend The Bride’s Family
Mother-in-law jokes have been around forever and you may be tempted to throw in a few of these jokes as well as other ones into your speech. Nope, nope and nope. The only mention you should make about the bride and her family is how beautiful she is and thank her family for their part in the wedding.
Keep in mind that as best man, the wedding is not about you. What you have is a very special part in this and you should treat it as an honor to have been asked to stand by your friend on the most important day of his life. You don’t want to ruin a special day and possibly your friendship by saying the wrong thing during your best man speech. If in doubt, run your speech by a few of your other friends before the wedding to make sure you don’t put your foot in your mouth.