Tips For Saving Energy
The energy market is saturated with energy saving tips and guides to help you save money, but still enjoy your home to its fullest. And it’s not just about saving money either, but becoming more energy efficient and making your impact on the environment. From the tested and tried methods of turning your thermostat down to keeping your windows shut, there are a plethora of ideas out there; now it’s your turn to put them into practice and reap the benefits.
In 2019, it’s easier than ever to take control of your energy expenditure, especially with new and exciting technology in the palm of your hand. Smart home devices, apps, remote thermostats, smart meters, and more, mean that, more than ever, we’re in control of our energy outlay and can really make an effort to reduce our carbon footprints – and save a few pennies too.
How Do I Save Energy?
Saving energy can be as easy as buying a draught-excluder or even thicker curtains. But we know how technologically savvy our readers are, and we can actually make energy-saving much more exciting than you might have first thought. However, you shouldn’t ignore the more traditional methods of saving energy, as they come with their own benefits.
Replacing your boiler – we know, we know. You were hoping this one wouldn’t be on the list, but it is a key element in saving energy in the long-run. Replacing your boiler can be expensive, but upgrading to a more modern system can provide you with much smaller energy bills throughout the year. According to Which?, you could potentially save up to £200 per year, which certainly doesn’t leave you out in the cold.
Home insulation – if you’re feeling handy, then you could attempt to insulate your own home, particularly loft or attic insulation. This is an easy win when it comes to saving energy and decreasing your energy bills, with the potential for £130 – £245 savings per year. Pass us the insulating foam and a hammer.
Energy efficient appliances – refrigerators, washing machines, tumble dryers etc. all come with an energy efficiency rating. If the time has come to replace these appliances, then make sure you take their energy efficiency rating into consideration when purchasing. The better the rating, the more likely you are to save money on your energy bills throughout the year – and have a lasting impact on the environment too.
The Best Smart Home Devices
We know that many of you are attached to your smartphones, tablets, and every other kind of device under the sun. Smart home devices are a great way to keep an eye on your energy output and provide you with the ability to turn up, down, on or off when you need to.
Smart thermostats allow you to control your heating system remotely, which means you can ensure your home is warm and inviting before you arrive back or gives you the opportunity to turn off your central heating, if you’ve forgotten to do it manually. You can also turn down your thermostat as and when you need to and turning down by even just a couple of degrees can make a massive impact on your energy bills.
Home energy monitors are a great way to manage your electricity output, from keeping an eye on how much energy each of your appliances uses to suggesting ways to make your home more energy efficient. You can also link your energy monitor to your phone to send push notifications and provide you with the information you need to turn up, turn down, or turn off.
Switching Energy Suppliers
Often, it’s switching energy suppliers that can make the most difference to the cost of your bills. And with so many price comparison websites available, it’s easier than ever to get a real idea of how much money you could be saving each year. Effort is minimal on your part, as you simply need to provide your current energy supplier details, see who can provide you with energy in your area, and then pick the best option for you. There can sometimes be additional costs, such as an early contract exit fee, but these are small in contrast to the amount of money you could save. If you’ve been with your current energy supplier for a while, it’s more than likely that they’ve upped your bills or have simply moved you onto a different, more expensive rate without you knowing. Make sure your savvy with the company you choose – and remember, you don’t always have to go for the Big Six.
How Do I Save Electricity?
There are a few ways to save electricity throughout your home. You can make the switch to energy saving light bulbs; replacing old appliances with new, energy efficient ones; turn your gadgets off standby; use the right settings on your appliances for energy efficiency; and simply, use less electrical equipment. During the summer, forgo the tumble dryer for the washing line, or keep your fridge and freezer full so they use less energy. How about investing in solar panels too? This is a great way to generate electricity for your home and often they’re government funded, meaning you don’t have to foot the bill.
How Do I Save Gas?
You can save on your gas output by insulating your home properly, whether that’s the attic or cavity insulation, or just simply using draught-excluders or heavy curtains. Make sure you keep lids on pots and pans too whilst cooking, as this stops energy escaping. You could also keep the radiator turned off in the kitchen, as the process of cooking should keep the room warm enough. More efficient ways to save on gas include replacing your boiler. Although an expensive option, it’s worth it in the long-run, not only for saving energy, but also improving the value of your home.
- Energy Saving Tips For Your Household – Money Super Market
- Save Energy — 19 Free Energy Saving Tips – uSwitch
- How To Save Money On Gas And Electricity Bills – The Money Advice Service
- Energy Advice: 6 Need-To-Know Tips To Help You Save Money This Big Energy Saving Week – Energy Saving Trust