Habits for Men’s Heart Health
We all know that prevention is better than cure. The smartest way to prevent heart issues is to look after your overall health. We’re taking a look at some easy to action and practical strategies that you should implement into your daily life. Commit to making these habitual and you will be doing a great job of looking after your heart health. Most men already appreciate the importance of a well-balanced diet and the right amount of exercise when it comes to managing their health. What else through can you be doing to keep your ticker strong and healthy? We’re going to run you through our top essential habits for mens’ heart health because believe it or not; we really do care about your well being.
Eat Healthy Fats
Fat is not the enemy. Trans fat is. We all need good, healthy fats in our diet. These include the saturated, polyunsaturated as well as unsaturated kind. The one fat we absolutely don’t require though is trans fat. This is actively known to contribute toward an increase in propensity to develop both heart disease as well as having a stroke. Trans fats clog the arteries, raising bad cholesterol while conversely lowering good cholesterol. Simply by cutting down on these dangerous, industry manufactured fats, you are allowing blood to flow more easily through your body. In case you’re not familiar with trans fats, these are found in things like margarine, snacks, baked goods and fried fast foods. Always read the food packaging labels and make sure that hydrogenated oils aren’t listed on there.
Be Mindful Of What You Drink
Water is essential to men’s health. Recent reports concluded that men who drank at least 8 glasses of water a day were 54 percent less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack. Researchers discovered that water helps dilute the blood, which makes it less likely to clot. There’s also recent evidence to suggest that swapping from coffee to tea can also have a positive impact. Tea is packed with antioxidants which have a beneficial effect on men’s heart health.
Avoid Second-hand Smoke
We all know that smoking is bad for us, but so is passive smoking. Studies have proven that if an individual is exposed to second-hand smoking at work or home, they’re 25 to 30 percent more likely to develop heart disease. So if you have a partner who still smokes, now is the time to convince them to stop. Second-hand smoking additionally boosts bad cholesterol and increases the likelihood of blood clots. If you’re a nonsmoker with a pre-existing high blood pressure condition, the chances of developing heart disease from exposure to second-hand smoke go through the roof. If you can’t convince your loved ones and colleague to quit, at least be firm and prohibit them from smoking directly in your shared environment.
Avoid Sitting For Prolonged Periods
If you’re sedentary for too long, it can have an impact on your health. Exercise is, of course, crucial and ideally, you should try to work out for 30 minutes, four times a week. The more vigorously you exercise, the more likely you are to protect yourself. You don’t need to do long stints. Short sharp bursts will just as easily do the trick. The key is to get your body moving. So whether that’s getting off the bus or train a stop early and walking the rest of your journey, taking the stairs rather than the escalator, or creating a home gym look for opportunities to move more. Get up from your desk regularly and have a quick stretch of your legs. Sitting for extended periods, especially when traveling, increases the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis, essentially a blood clot.
Lose Some Weight
While we’re talking diet and exercise, if you’re overweight, you are also at greater risk of developing heart issues. People who are obese are likely to suffer from a heart attack 8.2 times earlier than an average or healthy weight individual. So if you’ve been considering dropping 10 pounds and not yet found the motivation to start, now is the time. Not only will you look better, but you’ll also feel better and you’ll be protected your heart health for the future.
Don’t Neglect Dental Hygiene
Our dental health is actually an excellent indicator of our overall health, including that of the heart. If you do suffer from periodontal disease (aka gum disease), the bacteria in your mouth could move into the bloodstream and cause inflammation. It’s to do with C-reactive proteins. These elevated levels can increase the risk of a stroke as well as heart disease. So when your dentist recommends that you use dental floss daily, they’re not just looking after your teeth. They’re also taking care of your heart. Brushing twice daily and flossing regularly helps to stave off gum disease, which, as we’ve just indicated, can lead to more serious issues than just the potential loss of a tooth.
Minimize Stress Around You
Easier said than done! We appreciate that. Most of you probably live a hectic life that’s fraught with stressful situations. What are you doing to manage that stress though and how significant an impact is it having on the quality of your sleep? Sounds simple, but practice counting to 10 whenever you feel like you’re about to encounter a stressful situation. Just this small buffer will help you to retain your cool and control your anger. How we react to situations is so vital to our health. Meditation and breathing exercises are an incredibly effective and proven way of relieving stress. However, if that’s not your bag, just counting to 10 will help.
Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep
Our bodies recover when we sleep. Sleep is restorative and an essential factor in men’s health. Simply put, if you don’t get enough good quality sleep, you are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Researchers have concluded that too little sleep disrupts essential functions like blood pressure and can lead to inflammation as well as other underlying health conditions. It’s recommended that you aim for between 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night.
Being to implement these essential habits and you should be well on the way to protecting your heart health.