How To Fast Track Your Beard Growth
There is something majestic about a beard. Like a mane for your chin, worn with pride your beard advertises your masculinity. However, it can be a tough road getting to the king of the world, hear me roar standard. If not subjected to a firm hand and fatherly love from early on, your bushy unkempt beard has the power to overshadow more than your chin. Of course, you can find many beard growth products these days, but along with trying the right ones, you should pay attention to many basics of growing a beard fast. For lustrous beard hair and healthy skin, read on and discover these hair raising tips.
Exfoliate Your Skin
If you want to grow your beard faster, exfoliate your skin with a facial scrub/exfoliator. This will remove all the dead cells, cleanse pores and foster hair growth. You can pair a face mask with the scrub for a better outcome. Using products specially designed for men yields better results.
Cleanse Your Skin
Cleansing is an essential habit and becomes more crucial when you are intended to grow hair on your face. Wash your face twice daily with mild cleanser especially those with eucalyptus since eucalyptus fosters hair growth.
Take Proper Diet
We say we are what we eat. A varied and balanced diet is essential for body repair and for growing healthy hair and nails. Increasing the amount of protein in your food has a direct impact on your bones and hair growth. Protein-rich foods include poultry and dairy products, whereas meat and beans are also rich in proteins. Minerals are another essential nutrient for hair growth, which are available in nuts, as all kinds of nuts and seeds are rich in minerals and essential oils.
There is no substitute for organic fruits and vegetables. They are a crucial source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to detox your body and strengthen your muscles. They also improve the texture of skin and assist with hair growth.
Include Supplements In Your Life
Including supplements for iron, calcium, minerals, and vitamins in your diet is also beneficial for encouraging facial hair growth. Some important supplements that boost hair growth are listed below:
Vitamin B5: It protects hair from greying and also reduces the amount of hair fall.
Vitamin C: Also called ascorbic acid, it works as an antioxidant and also boosts hair growth encouraging shine.
Vitamin E: It works to improve blood flow which in turn, helps hair grow smoothly and makes each hair stronger by providing essential nutrients.
Vitamin A: It regulates the amount of testosterone in the body and assists in the production of sebum, a natural conditioner for the hair.
Vitamin K: It is important in regulating the production of testosterone in the body. Testosterone prompts facial hair growth.
Biotin: Increases the amount of keratin in the body, an essential element of nail and hair growth and gloss.
Niacin and Inositol: They are both essential vitamin B minerals that improve circulation and maintain the health of the hair follicles or root.
Monoxide: This regulates blood pressure and inhibits hair loss.
Other Supplements: Other essential supplements for hair growth are magnesium, sulfur, zinc, silica, beta carotene, flaxseed oil and nettle.
Balm For Beard
With the increasing trend of wearing a beard, several products arrived on the market. One product is beard balm, usually a perfect mixture of essential oils, butter and beeswax. It not only moisturizes your facial hair but also helps with styling it. It leaves the beard looking thicker, voluminous and tamed as well as smooth and shiny.
Oil Your Beard
Oiling your beard is as essential as oiling your head hair. There is beard oil available on the market that is made especially for facial hair. These oils moisturize the skin beneath the beard and keep it smooth which also fosters hair growth.
Beard oils also make your beard hair smooth and shiny and inhibit hair loss. It leaves your beard hair smelling good and acts as a natural deodorizer controlling nasty smells made during germ production.
Exercise And Weight Control
Exercising regularly has a positive impact on all parts of your body including your hair. Working out regularly increases blood circulation and ensures blood flow to all parts of the body. It also regulates the secretion of essential hormones from glands and boosts their production.
Testosterone is an essential hormone released by the endocrine glands in males. It has a direct connection with the growth of facial hair. An increase in the secretion of testosterone results in faster and thicker beard growth. Short intense workouts are helpful for the increased production of testosterone. Never miss your workout regime and control excess fat to get a voluminous smooth beard in less time, along with getting a masculine body.
Complete Your Sleep Cycles
Completing your daily sleep cycle is essential for proper body repair. A good night sleep not only impacts positively on your mental health but improves the physical hairs. Don’t ignore your night sleep if you want to grow your beard full of healthy hair.
Avoid Stress And Anxiety
Stress is an enemy of your hair and people often start losing theirs when stressed. Stress affects blood pressure and circulation so blood vessels constrict reducing the amount of cortisol and testosterone in the body which adversely influences your hair growth.
Deal With The Patchy Beard
A beard has its own pattern of growth and in most people, the earlier days of beard appear patchy. It’s actually not the ingrown beard but instead, it’s the pattern in which your beard will most likely to grow. Often people keep trimming hair in their desire to get a full-fledged hairy patch on their face. That is not possible in most cases. You have to bare the starting patchy phase to get that full-grown beard you are aiming for.
If you want to be flaunting flowing chin locks soon, eat well, sleep well and exercise. Invest in a couple of bottles of nice smelling oils and balms to help it and tame it along its way through growth. Set your sights on a future where it’s you and your beard and exercise more to push through the patchy stage. Before you know you’ll be sporting the man-lion look with a chin full of shiny beard hair.