Goat Story GINA Smart Coffee Brewing Instrument
Goat Story’s GINA Smart Coffee Brewing Instrument is a very simple device that can give you three different kinds of coffee in a hassle-free manner. It comes with a simple yet pleasing design that can be a welcome addition to any kitchen countertop. The Goat Story also comes with an ingenious app that simplifies the coffee-making process.
Forming the backbone to the Goat Story’s coffee brewing capability is GINA. This is an app that makes it easy for anyone to make one of three types of coffee. You can have a piping-hot French press coffee in a pour over or instant coffee you can share with a friend. And if you’re the type of coffee drinker who prefers it cold, then the Goat Story can also provide you with a cold brew. You can be enjoying any of these three coffees in no time.
Unlike professional grade coffee brewing systems, the Goat Story has a very simple setup. Its design conjures images of a science laboratory experiment. One contains your precious coffee grounds while the other awaits the delicious black liquid. Coffee passes through a unique precision valve, making sure every drop is full of coffee goodness.
A digital weighing scale already comes built into the housing. It communicates with the GINA app to give you very precise measurements of the coffee grounds that a specific type of coffee needs. There is no complicated math work that can undermine the flavor and aroma of your brew. The GINA app makes the calculations for you.
It is true that the Goat Story Smart Coffee Brewing Instrument is not a professional-grade coffee maker. However, it has all the makings of a great device to satisfy the cravings of coffee-lovers everywhere. It’s a simple system and is beautiful to look at, too.