Ways to Grow a Thicker Beard
For most men, the beard is a source of confidence and positive vibes. Some consider the beard as a sign of virility while others equate it with strength and courage. Some may even look at the beard as a sign of a man’s wisdom. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and other famous philosophers grew beards. Even men of science like Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin, Johannes Kepler, and Albert Einstein have beards. No matter how the beard is interpreted, it is one of the most distinguishing characteristics of the human male species. And if you’re having a hard time growing your own facial hair, then you’ve got to check our 5 proven solutions that will get you that facial hair that can define your character forever.
Good Nutrition
You can never downplay the importance of good nutrition in growing your beard. Good nutrition is vital not only for growing and maintaining healthier hair and beard, but it is also essential for overall health.
There are two ways in which good nutrition can help you grow your beard.
The first is directly related to the delivery of vital nutrients to the hair follicle, that part of the hair that contains the cells that grow hair. Vitamin A and the various molecules associated with this vitamin-like carotenoids are important for managing the effects of oxidative stress on the skin while also facilitating the more efficient repair of skin tissue. The skin is where the hair is anchored. If it is not healthy, then the hair will not be able to grow as robust as it should. The antioxidant benefits of vitamin A on the skin help provide for a stronger framework for your facial hair to anchor on.
Vitamin C is also important especially in the production of collagen. This is the most abundant protein in the body and is crucial in the formation of a really tough matrix for cells and tissues to grow. It is what gives the skin its firmness and the hair its fundamental structure. On the other hand, vitamin E can help improve the production of sebum which is vital in the lubrication of the hair shaft, giving it a lusher and thicker look. This is in addition to its antioxidant effects.
The foundation of all cells, facial hair included, is high-quality proteins. These are composed of amino acids that form the backbone of every cell in the human body. Eating protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, poultry, beans, legumes, and the like can help supply the body with enough proteins as building blocks for the hair.
Omega-3 essential fatty acids are also important, especially EPA since this type of healthy fat can help protect the cell membranes. Keeping the integrity of hair cells is one of the keys to improving its health. Also crucial are biotin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12. These vitamins are considered essential when it comes to the growth of new hair.
The second way in which good nutrition can help you grow thicker and longer beard is indirectly related to the effects of good nutrition on the production of testosterone.
Eating highly nutritious foods generally translate to the achievement of more ideal body weight. This can help stimulate the increased production of the male hormone known as testosterone. One of the well-known effects of testosterone is the development of secondary male characteristics which include the growth of facial hair. In addition to testosterone, there is also its byproduct known as dihydrotestosterone or DHT which can also aid in the more efficient formation and growth of beards and mustaches.
So you see growing your beard can also be achieved with good nutrition. But of course, this is not the only way you can achieve such a thing.
Exercise and Stress Management
It may not be really obvious at first, but exercise and stress management can help you grow your beard a lot more efficiently.
First, exercise can improve the flow of blood to the skin. We know what this means. We are essentially bringing all the important nutrients we talked about in the preceding section. These nutrients can help improve the growth and health of your facial hair.
Second, exercise is also a good way to remove toxins and metabolic waste products in the body. More importantly, exercise can help open up the pores of the skin, allowing for the more efficient removal of substances that clog the pores. Clogged pores can adversely affect the ability of hair follicles to keep on growing hair.
Third, increased physical activity can help facilitate the building of muscles. An increase in the synthesis or production of muscle proteins is also closely associated with an increase in testosterone. We already mentioned the critical role this hormone plays in the formation and growth of facial hair in men. So, getting that exercise not only guarantees a fitter, healthier body, it also begets more robust facial hair.
Fourth, exercise is always a good way to manage stress. When it comes to the role of stress in hair growth, especially in facial hair, this has something to do with the effects of cortisol on testosterone. Studies show that the stress hormone cortisol can decrease the level of testosterone present in the body. As such, if you cannot manage your stress that well, you are essentially saying goodbye to an all-important hormone that is critical in giving you that manly beard.
Of course, exercise is not the only method that you can use to manage your stress levels. If you find more relaxation in yoga and meditation, then you can adhere to these, too. The most important thing to keep in mind is that stress can lower your testosterone levels which, in turn, can keep you from having that beard that you’ve always dreamed of.
Plenty of Rest and Good Quality Sleep
We already discussed the effects of stress on growing your beard. While exercise and other forms of stress management techniques can help you feel more relaxed and at ease, there really is no better way to manage stress than a good night’s sleep.
There are numerous researches that show sleep deprivation or insufficient sleep can lead to as much as a 15 percent reduction in the levels of circulating testosterone. We already know what this can translate to. Lowered testosterone levels can lead to a reduction in the synthesis and development of new and existing hair, especially those in the face.
There is another reason why sleep is important when growing your beard. We all know that sleep is our body’s way of repairing itself. What many of us fail to realize is that nighttime is also the perfect time for the pituitary gland to start releasing human growth hormone. This hormone is responsible for commanding the different building blocks of proteins and amino acids necessary for the formation of cells and tissues. And this includes the hair and skin. If we don’t get a good night’s sleep, then we are not encouraging our bodies to keep producing this hormone.
Minoxidil and Other Hair-Growing Products
Originally formulated to lower blood pressure, minoxidil has found another use especially among follicularly-challenged men. This antihypertensive medication had one very interesting side effect: it promoted hair growth in men who were already experiencing male pattern baldness. It is for this reason that the manufacturer of minoxidil found it necessary to repackage the drug into a hair-growth product.
There are a number of ways by which minoxidil can help facilitate the faster growth of facial hair. First, its mode of action dictates that it opens up potassium channels which, in turn, help improve the circulation of blood towards the hair follicles. Given that hair follicles are the living elements of individual hairs, improving blood supply to this part can provide the necessary nutrition as well as oxygen needed by the hair to grow. Not only are nutrients and oxygen supplied to the hair follicles, but even hormones are also able to exert their full action on growing hair.
Secondly, minoxidil is capable of stimulating the release of an enzyme that can help promote healthier hair growth. Third, minoxidil is known to prolong the anagen phase in the hair growth cycle. This is that stage in a hair’s life when it is continuously growing. After some time, it goes into the catagen phase whereby the hair follicle starts to reduce its hair growing activities. Once this has completely stopped, the hair goes into the telogen phase wherein the hair follicle will go dormant for some time before it starts growing hair again. Minoxidil works by prolonging the anagen phase which can help in the growth of longer, thicker, and fuller hair.
Minoxidil comes in either foam or liquid formulations. The foam preparation is generally more expensive and has the tendency to dry a lot faster than the liquid version. Either formulations can be used and applied onto the face where you want to grow your beard. However, it is crucial to observe an 8- to 12-hour waiting period if you wish to apply the formulation more than once daily.
Aside from minoxidil, there are other beard growth products that can be used to grow your facial hair. There are hair growth supplements that come in pill form. These typically contain vitamin C which can help in the production of collagen necessary for stronger hair. Zinc is also vital for hair health.
There are also beard shampoos, beard oils, and sprays that are formulated with basically the same ingredients as hair growth supplements. These can be easily applied to the face. Unfortunately, they may not offer the same results as minoxidil.
Implants and Hormone Therapy
While good nutrition, exercise, stress management, adequate sleep, and the use of hair growth-promoting products can help us grow our facial hair, there are some of us who simply are not genetically predisposed to having beards and mustaches. Genetics is the main reason why some men can grow beards and mustaches so easily while others, despite their best efforts, simply cannot grow even a single strand of hair on their face. It’s all in the genes.
If such is your case, there really is no amount of dieting, sleeping, exercising, and managing your stress levels that will ever help you grow a beard. Even if you apply a month-long supply of minoxidil in just one day on your face, you will still not be able to grow the beard.
So, what can you do?
If you’re really intent on getting a beard, then there are two fundamental solutions for you. However, these treatments should really be considered as last resort and only if you really want to have facial hair.
The first method is the use of beard implants. This is quite tricky, not to mention very expensive. A doctor will be removing hair from your scalp and transplant these into your face. The transplanted hair should be complete, meaning it should have the hair root, the hair follicle, and the hair shaft. The entire hair is going to be transplanted onto that part of the face where you want the beard to be. This is a painstaking procedure that can take hours to complete.
The good news is that you have absolute control over how your beard will look like. And since you are also transplanting the hair root, you can easily grow them even if they fall out usually after several weeks. On the downside, you will be losing some hair from your scalp.
The second option is to receive hormone replacement therapy. This only works if your doctor determines that the reason why you’re not growing any beard is because of insufficient supply of testosterone. This therapy can be delivered in pill form, although the most preferred method is via injection. Do take note that hormone therapy does have its side effects and potential complications. It is best that you think through this before undergoing the treatment.
There you have it. If you’re not in a rush to grow your beard, the safest way to do it is through good nutrition, plenty of exercises, excellent management of stress, and plenty of sleep. You can also add hair growth-promoting products. But if everything else fails, then beard implants or hormone therapy can be considered.
- 11 Proven Tips on How to Grow a Thicker Beard – Beardoholic
- 7 Proven Ways to Grow a Beard Faster – The Trend Spotter
- Grow a Better Beard – 5 Scientifically Proven Ways – Live Bearded