Things That Are Causing Your Hair Loss
Your hair and its style are part of your identity, so when there’s more hair on your pillow or comb than on your head, you have every right to worry. You are literally losing a part of yourself. If you are looking for reasons why your luscious locks are deserting you, look no further than here. Here are some things you can do to stay attached to your hair and keep your hair attached to you.
1. Hot Showers
Washing hair with hot water is one major reason for hair fall. Hot water has adverse effects on hair as it dehydrates the scalp and washes off all the essential oils from the roots leaving your hair dry and fizzy. Dry frizzy hair is more prone to breakage than well-nourished hair.
To avoid frequent hair fall it is advisable to rinse hair with cold water. If that is not possible, tepid water should be used but never ever use hot water for your hair.
2. Straighteners And Curlers
Straighteners and curlers make hair look beautiful for a day but they cause serious damage to your hair health. Most of these hair styling tools use high temperatures to give desired texture and look to hair which damages the hair protein. This weakens the hair shaft so it is easier to detach from the root follicle and fall.
Though, it’s better to avoid hot styling tools as much as possible, whenever you are using heat for hair styling use it with caution. Applying a serum or other heat resistant product before styling can help minimize the damage.
3. Tying Hair Back In A Rigid Manner
Some people prefer stretched high ponytails or tightly fastened braids but these are not good styles for your hair. Tying hair in a rigid manner weakens the hair follicles causing faster hair loss. It sometimes weakens the follicles to such an extent that the hair is unable to regrow in that area.
For better hair growth and retaining healthy hair for a longer, keep your hair untied for some time preferably when sleeping. Tie your hair in a loose soft hairstyle that will not only save your hair follicles from damage but will also soften your appearance.
4. Hair Sprays And Gels
Using pomade, hair spray, or a low-quality hair gel is the biggest mistake you can make. They are good for keeping hair in place for long hours but they make your hair dry and brittle and more prone to hair fall. Using hair sprays and gels in a regular regime are another major cause of intense hair fall. Don’t opt for firm hair holding products like hair sprays and gels. If you desperately need to use something to hold your style go for soft creams as they are less harmful to hair.
5. Ignoring Hair Hygiene
A good hygiene regime impacts all parts of your body and maintaining good cleaning regime for hair is essential to avoid hair fall. A dirty oily scalp weakens the hair roots and causes more hair to fall in contrast to clean well-nourished scalp.
Shampooing your hair every day is must if you have an oily scalp or if you work outdoors. But if you have a dry scalp and there are less chances of dirt sitting in your hair washing hair so every alternate day is equally as good. A dirty scalp is not only a reason for hair fall, it is also the cause of dandruff, itching and scalp infections. So, be sure to shampoo your hair properly and if possible, go for some high-quality dandruff shampoo for better effects.
6. Avoiding Nutritious Diet
A nutritious diet is as essential for healthy hair growth as it is for the entire body. Your hair is made up of protein so a protein-rich diet is essential to avoid hair fall and maintain healthy hair. Vitamins and minerals are also essential and deficiency of vitamins like vitamin D and vitamin B3 and minerals zinc and iodine can lead to some serious hair issues.
Eating and sleeping well are the secrets behind beautiful healthy hair.
7. Stressful Life
Stress is not just a psychological issue but it has adverse effects on physical health as well. Stress is one of the major causes of baldness in men. Severe stress disrupts the whole chemical equilibrium of the body creating an imbalance in hair nourishing elements. It may even lead to some severe medical issues related to hair health like telogen effluvium, trichotillomania and alopecia areata.
Leading a completely stress-free life is not possible but effective management of stress can save you from many health issues and foster healthy hair growth.
8. Ignoring Medical Conditions
Ignoring health issues related to your hair and scalp is not wise. It may lead to more severe issues in the future which are sometimes irreversible. Men can consider using medications like Minoxidil or Rogaine, as this OTC foam is known to prevent or at least slow down hair loss in men. SO, always get proper treatment for your hair medical issues and take medications as advised by a physician to avoid further hair loss.
Eat well, sleep well and keep stress free for a healthy head of hair that wants to stay on your head and not fall away. Avoid harsh products and hot water and instead get used to cold rinses to add shine and bounce to a supermodel would die for. Follow these tips and set your hair free from tight tie backs and braids to show it off to world with a seductive shake now and again when it’s still attached to your head and not roaming free on your pillow.