Hobbies For Men
The hustle and bustle of life can leave one with a minuscule amount of free time. It’s important, however, that we still make the effort to try new things and wander out of our comfort zones. We’re talking hobbies here! While funds might be limited and opportunities scarce, with a tad bit of imagination and a whole lot of enthusiasm, you’ll soon discover that a hobby that appeals to you is actually very easy to come by.
Apart from keeping you sane, healthy, and proactive, taking a personal interest in something can also make you a fascinating individual who is never short of a conversational topic. So, gentlemen, to help you discover what the world has to offer and to make life more exciting – we bring to you 20 of our most fun, interesting, and challenging hobbies for men.
1. Fishing
Fishing can be as costly and as challenging as you want it to be. It starts with a fishing rod and some bait but can evolve into a competitive sport with a tackle box loaded with all the latest gadgets. Fishing is perfect for those who enjoy the great outdoors and involves a good understanding of how to lure in the prey. Incorporating the concepts of ecology, physics, and animal psychology, this hobby requires patience and determination. It’s a great way to relax and escape from a busy lifestyle.
2. Running
Running might seem like a basic and almost banal hobby, but it actually requires stamina and can test one’s level of endurance. All you really need to get into the swing of things when it comes to running is a decent pair of running shoes and a kick up the butt every now and then to get you out the door and on to the road. Once this solo sport has reeled you in, then you’ll understand the notion of a “runner’s high”. You will appreciate the feeling of force as your feet hit the ground and the utter bliss that envelopes you as you push your body further and further each time.
3. Cooking And Grilling
Cooking doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be fun, adventurous and even challenging too! From firing up the grill to navigating your way around a stove, making a meal can be a satisfying experience that entertains a healthy lifestyle and feeds the family all in one go. Cooking and meal prep is also not as easy as one might think. You will need to know basic chemistry and be ready for a lot of trial and error too. From sauces and marinades to exotic salads and main course meals, there is so much to learn and experiment with when it comes to rustling up a fine plate of grub.
4. Hiking
Just picture it. Peace, quiet, nature, and the sound of your heartbeat in your ears as you push yourself further and further towards your journey’s end. Hiking is another hobby that can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. From taking a simple stroll through your neighborhood nature reserve to attaining fitness levels and skills that will get you to the top of Mount Everest, hiking can be as exhilarating as you make it. If your passion for this hobby grows, then you must be prepared to spend a good amount on the equipment you will need. From a reliable pair of hiking shoes to a backpacking backpack or external frame backpack that will hold all of the essentials, getting from point A to B does require performance-enhancing gear.
5. Homebrewing Beer
If sport is not your thing, we bet you that beer is! One activity that’s better than tasting a good brew is making it yourself. This hobby is growing in popularity and while it often starts off as a home interest, many have made a career out of their newfound craft. If you’re keen for an adventure in chemistry and physics, then creating your own beer requires relatively few pieces of equipment, and the start-up knowledge can be found online. All you really need is patience and some willing friends to take on the role of guinea pigs during the testing and refinement process. A perfect hobby for beer lovers.
6. Skiing And Snowboarding
If you love the feel of adrenaline pumping through your veins and want something that can test your agility to the max, then skiing and snowboarding might give you the thrill you are seeking. These extreme sports are also an excellent way to become physically fit and improve your spatial reasoning skills. We recommend that you start this hobby off by renting your equipment and if it bites, then you can slowly but surely invest in your own gear as you progress.
7. Camping
Sleeping underneath the stars and connecting with nature has proven to help clinical depression and alleviate stress. If you are looking for a hobby that detoxes your mind, body, and soul – then camping might just be it! Camping gives you the opportunity to exercise and it also allows you to disconnect from the world. Leave all of your digital devices at home and focus on more important things, like your sanity and the nature of true happiness. With a large camping tent over your head and a sleeping bag to snuggle in, what more do you need?
8. Kayaking
While kayaking might look like someone is just paddling a small craft through water, it actually requires a lot of technique and skill. Start by hiring the equipment and if you get drawn into the thrill and excitement of navigating your way over rivers, lakes and the sea, then you can invest in your own gear as the pastime turns into a dedicated hobby. Water has always been regarded for its calming presence and if you are looking for a sport that relaxes you as it works your core and tests your endurance, then kayaking it is!
9. Bodybuilding
Think what you like, but bodybuilding truly is an art of the self. Enhancing both your physical health and appearance, working on your body can boost your self-esteem while making you stronger and healthier than ever before. Bodybuilding goes beyond just lifting weights. It requires that you follow a healthy and specific diet, it incorporates concepts of balance and proportion, and it also encourages patience and determination. Whether you are after a buff look or simply want to work on your strength, this hobby will leave you both feeling and looking great.
10. Golf
Golf is not only a game reserved for corporate businessmen and pensioners, oh no. This sport makes a perfect hobby that requires precision and skill. Golfing is an activity that requires one to work on developing spatial reasoning skills as well as gaining an understanding of how things like wind can impact the trajectory of a ball. From conditioning your body to take on the correct posture and movements to recognising the influence nature can have on your swing, golf is a hobby that will quickly swallow you in as you challenge yourself to improve your score. Be warned, however, it does take up a lot of time!
11. Gaming
Some might argue that gaming is more of a competitive sport than a hobby, but this comes down to personal opinion and the level of passion one has for the games that are played. Gaming culture, however we look at it, is definitely on the rise and whether you are a fan of the PC, Xbox or PlayStation, getting hooked on digital games doesn’t come with much force. If you are in search for an avenue that allows you to escape from the trials and tribulations of the real world while you battle and compete your way through digital realms, then gaming can be considered a hobby that requires skill, logic, and due diligence.
12. Classic Car Restoration
Classic beauty can be enjoyed forever. Restoring a vintage piece of machinery is a labour of love, sweat, and research. While this hobby does require quite a bit of capital, the end result is always something to look back on with satisfaction and wonder. As you refine and put the pieces of your classic car together, you’ll learn how to source quality parts as well as how to install them. Restoring a classic car can be a team effort (think father and son bonding time) or it can be done as a solo pastime for those who enjoy being left with their own thoughts.
13. Cycling And Mountain Biking
Much like running, kayaking, and snow sports, cycling and mountain biking is a physical activity that requires a certain level of fitness and a touch of balance and coordination. Whether you are keener on the thrill of a bumpy and exhilarating ride or simply want to tour your surroundings on two wheels, cycling as a hobby involves maintaining your bike, exercising, and being aware of your surroundings so that you can determine your next move. Much like running, this hobby is a perfect way to clear your thought and get your blood pumping.
14. Photography
When you take up this hobby, you will start to notice things you would never have looked twice at before. Photography is more than just having a cool camera and knowing how to navigate your way around photoshop. You will need to have a keen sense for adventure and at least one creative bone in your body. Photography is about seeing beauty in the banal and then capturing the perfect picture at the ultimate angel. And while camera equipment can be costly, you could always start off with some second-hand gear and work your way up to the latest models.
15. Skateboarding
If you have a taste for the extreme, then skateboarding might be just up your ally. From cruising along the esplanade to flying over staircases, this hobby tests your agility as you try to land trick after trick. If you’re an adrenaline junky then you will find skateboarding to be an economical sport that will give you the rush you’re after.
16. Geocaching
Geocaching is a trend that’s growing in popularity and what was once a novelty adventure, is now considered a full-blown hobby. A modern spin of the game “X marks the spot”, this activity encourages you to brush up on your map reading and GPS skills as you use given coordinates to navigate your way to the hidden “treasure” (which is usually a logbook where you sign your name to say BEEN HERE). This hobby can be done as a team or you can head out on your own as you explore new surroundings and take on a challenge.
17. Gardening
While you might associate gardening with your folks and nature-loving hippies, this very simple hobby is extremely satisfying and if you don’t have a natural green thumb at first, you’ll soon grow one! Improving both your physical and mental health, there’s something invigorating about working with soil and watching your plants grow as you nurture them. Gardening can also include anything from pruning and shaping bonsais to growing and harvesting your own vegetables – you can find your niche.
18. Reading
While we are quite aware that reading is one of the oldest hobbies out there and you might be thinking “been there done that”, we cannot stress enough how essential it is to your manhood to be well-read. Reading doesn’t only nourish the soul but it also gives you the insight and knowledge you need to hold interesting conversations and have, or at least appreciate, different perspectives. Get yourself a Kindle or pay a visit to your local library (they do still exist). Take things one step further and join a book club!
19. Music
It’s never too late to pick up an instrument. If you have always had an interest in music and would love to be the creator of sound, then learning how to play an instrument and then perfecting and improvising on your new skill can turn into a hobby that’s unlike any other. From guitaring and drumming to piano playing and mastering the violin, music has an uncanny way of releasing emotions that we never even knew existed.
20. Volunteering
Volunteering is a hobby that gives back. While most of our interests are purely about self-fulfilment, passing the time by doing good deeds is one way to make a happier “you” and a happier world. You can improve your community; give a helping hand; change the world one action at a time. And the best thing about volunteering is that there’s a huge variety of good deeds to choose from. From rescuing animals and feeding the hungry to cleaning your environment, you’re sure to find something that you’re passionate about.
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