The Perfect Home Gym
Are you tired of paying expensive tariffs all in the name of exercise? Tired of the constant sweat smells and stains you have to endure every day at your local workout area? Or does the hustle and bustle of moving to and from your community gym reduce the number of workout sessions you have planned for the week? Lastly, are you fed up with having to share equipment, or having to wait for your turn to make use of a machine that is short in supply but high in demand?
The best solution for anyone who answers yes to these questions is for them to set up their home gym. You can hit your goal of having a personal gym with a little investment and tons of dedication. This article provides all lovers of exercise how to create the perfect home gym. We offer some tips and factors to consider, while you set out to create the perfect gym in the comfort of your home. We highlight all the vital equipment needed, the essential tips concerning safety in such an environment and the space requirements to be considered before the creation of your next haven.
1. Have a Budget
Many people believe that creating a gym demands a lot of money, which isn’t the case. This notion has caused many of us to waste a lot of our resources on multi gyms, cardio equipment, and overpriced specialist products. Yet some of the products and equipment purchased aren’t useful in commercial gyms, let alone a home-based training space.
Building a home gym doesn’t have to be an expensive investment. With a budget range of $1,000 to $2,000, there are no reasons why you can’t create a highly functional home gym, durable enough to last over the coming years. Equipment for your gym does not have to be brand new. You can find awesome deals on some used equipment, and this may include shopping on sites such as Amazon, eBay and other auction sites. They offer you equipment with prices that are far less than what you might have paid for a brand new version, but the functionality of the product is not compromised.
With the knowledge that your home gym will keep changing and improving, it is better to start it off with the necessary equipment and work towards continuous updates. Create budgets with a budgeting app for the things needed in your gym and make any other additions when the time and price are right.
2. Create an Exciting Atmosphere
Your gym is going to be in your home so you must be able to decorate it however you please! It must be a space in which you will love to spend a lot of time. It must also be a room of attitude; your attitude, and the kind of mentality that compliments your workout goals. Add a TV, put in a houseplant or two and make this room yours and yours alone.
Creating a comfortable and energizing environment for exercise in the comfort of your home may be the most enjoyable part of the entire creation process. When creating your own exercise space, it is vital to fill it with paraphernalia and other elements that provide you with a form of motivation. With your ideal body or weight goal in mind, your home gym must have the ability to help you visualize whatever you want to become. Leave traces of your character or personality in your home gym, as this will encourage you to use it as often as possible.
The first thing to consider regarding an encouraging environment is the space itself. You can opt for an area that offers you free-reign, where you can be in your world, while still connected to your home. Your ideal space could be a study room or your garage. You can spice up the interior space with paintings or posters, speakers for great music and all your favorite exercise equipment. All these are added to keep you motivated throughout your workout sessions.
It is also vital to note that money isn’t king in the game of home gym creation. To help you save more money, you can learn how to create specific training tools yourself through YouTube, or you can get more affordable options off Amazon. Some family members and friends may also be willing to let go off some equipment. It is advised that you are always on the lookout for sales of equipment and used items found at sports stores. If you can build it, you don’t have to buy it.
3. Purchase the Essentials
After creating a budget and having a defined space, you can start filling up on equipment. You can either create or purchase from sports stores. Other options include borrowing from family or being on the lookout for sales in stores for the reduced prices. Some of the critical equipment needed in every home gym includes a plate set & barbell. This is considered the foundation equipment of pretty much all your workouts and is recognized as the most vital piece of equipment needed for every home gym. It is important to note that results aren’t received from the use of a broad range of flashy exercise but rather on the use of real, classic core workouts that have been known to stand the test of time and offer splendid results. With your barbell set, these are some of the exercises you can undertake for excellent results;
- Shoulders; behind the neck press and military press
- Legs: back squat, front squat, deadlift, lunges
- Chest: flat incline & decline bench press
- Back: upright row, barbell row, power cleans.
- Arms: skull crushers, bicep curls, close grip bench press
Another piece of equipment you’ll be in need of is a real Olympic bar, which is sturdy enough to support your weight. There are also many kinds of sets and plates available on the internet for sale, and you only need to search in earnest for those with good deals. Concerning the Olympic bar, you must have enough space in your home gym for such a piece of equipment, which is usually up to 7ft wide.
4. Learn to DIY
Become a DIY guru and build for yourself the perfect home gym. This is the ideal excuse to help you improve upon your crafting abilities! You can create complex projects such as a squat rack if you’ve already got a loaded workbench. Newbies and beginners aren’t left out, as there are plenty of plans for them to undertake. You can build a shelf for all your workout sneakers, or design your gym walls with cool stencils. Whatever you choose, try as much as possible to DIY more and spend less.
5. Have a cozy warm space
Having a cold gym space tends to affect the barbells and other gym equipment as its cold steel is uncomfortable for many weightlifters. To cater for such an issue, you can turn to add a few space heaters or take out your Olympic barbell only when it’s needed for lifting and send it back inside after you’re done with your workout.
6. Decide on the Suitable Cardio Equipment
Believe it or not, you’re not required to have a cross trainer or a treadmill in your home gym as they aren’t vital. Body weight exercises and dynamic stretching exercises help you get a thorough warm-up which covers all cardio related issues. Whereas some individuals use running for their fitness and fat loss goals, others prefer to lift weight faster. These are two acceptable approaches; thus, it is critical that you decide the kind of route you want to take, and then get the equipment suitable for its execution.
Some exercises don’t have to be a part of your gym set up, as they aren’t necessary to change your body. Some of these exercises include long moderate intensity cardio workouts. If you are into running, you can take it outdoors and save some space for extra equipment within your gym. You can also vary your workouts, provided you have enough money, inclination, and space within your home gym. Some of the variations include;
- Dumbbells: if you have enough space, having dumbbells in your gym is excellent, especially when you are trying to get a family member interested in working out. Its lower weights make a low barrier suitable for young people or beginners. You can opt for adjustable dumbbells if space proves to be an issue. These are a more expensive option, but they won’t take up a lot of space.
- Suspension Trainer: you don’t need space for TRX training in your gym. All it requires is an attachment to a rack and it’s ready to be used. This equipment is one of the few that works diligently on your core, enabling you to undertake many functional ranges of movement which may otherwise not be available to you with only free weights.
- Punch Bag: enjoy a great stress-busting and high-intensity workout when you add a punching bag to your home gym. This bag must be placed such that there is a room all around it for real efficiency.
7. Purchase Multipurpose Equipment
Sometimes, the space made available to you or your limited budget may cause you to opt for wild options such as multipurpose equipment, and this will be an excellent investment. This equipment provides you with more workout sessions for less. Some examples are adjustable rubber bands or dumbbells, and other versatile materials that are designed to grow with you and your home gym.
Another investment which is worth making is the purchase of a soft synthetic floor. This is one of the things you must put down in any home gym, as they don’t only make the area more comfortable but also make it warmer, an ideal temperature for all exercises, even deadlifts. You can make use of the puzzle piece foam blocks often found in the play areas of children or a large yoga mat.
8. Calculate Future Profits
If you are building your home gym to help save costs on gym memberships, make sure you know what you’re getting into. Most often, it may take a couple of years for you to see the worth of your investment. The first thing is to design a budget for all equipment needed (the essentials) and subtract the monthly gym bills from it. Your expenditure may determine having your gym will be worth it or not. Calculating how long it takes for your gym to pay for itself is extremely crucial, as it helps you know if you’re making a significant investment or not.
9. Get Social in Your Gym
Working out alone can get boring, and this may reduce your level of motivation. Invite friends to your gym for a fun social hour, once you begin to miss the energetic buzz of your local gym at peak hours. Consider the size of your home gym and invite accordingly. You can have your friends bring in healthy post workout drinks, shakes and snacks to bring s little fun and interaction into your home sessions.
10. Get yourself some mirrors
To be economical, you can use mirrors, instead of purchasing the traditional gym mirrors which are extremely expensive. Mirrors are an essential element in gyms, as they help keep your body in check while enlarging your gym space. This is excellent for areas that are relatively small.
Most often, people love going to commercial gyms for the sense of community. It feels great to workout as a group, as it dares to do more and become better. Sometimes, however, the community essence is lost when certain factors come to play, a few of which include the use of equipment, strict rules and regulations and high tariffs. No one wants to be banned from playing music while they exercise, and we all a great gym or exercise space that encourages us to get stronger, bigger and better. That’s why home gyms are for those who hate restrictions, but they love to train, be it for sport, bodybuilding or powerlifting. Having a budget, starting small, and creating a customized environment within your home gym is the best way to go.
- 6 Money Saving Apps – Huffpost
- Barbell – Wikipedia
- TRX System – Wikipedia