Keep Your Dog Warm This Winter
Winter is the time of the year that everyone needs to be prepared for. Whether it’s buying a nice furry coat and winter boots, or getting the fireplace ready for a cozy atmosphere, winter has its ups and downs. Not so much for humans, but for our furry friends as well. We get to protect ourselves from the cold, but what about them? They are dependent on us to take care of them. At least most dog breeds are. Breeds that come from the arctic parts of the world have thick and warm fur, so they are protected from the winter cold. The smaller breeds that have thin fur, will be needing some help from us. Whether your dog’s an indoor or outdoor pet, we are going to help you out to make sure that your little friends are happy.
Get Warm Clothes For Your Dogs
Warm and furry clothes are a necessity for every winter, because we need those layers to keep warm. But if you like to take your dog on walks during the winter you should consider buying some clothes for your dog too. These days, you can almost buy everything for anything. You make think that it is a bit silly to buy clothes for your dog but don’t worry, your dog will be thankful. Another good side about getting clothes, your dog will definitely look as cute as a button in a little doggie jacket.
Consider Getting Your Dogs Boots
Now that you got your friend all warmed up, you are not done yet. Yeah, the dog is warm but what about his paws? When your dog is outside, he is prone to get all sorts of dirt and debris stuck to his paws. And dogs by nature clean themselves when they get dirty. That can be a problem during the winter, because salt gets tossed on the roads to clear the snow. It’s also possible for your dog to step in some antifreeze that is poisonous. This can be problematic if you for your dog to lick all the toxins and harmful substances. To prevent that from happening invest in a pair of boots for your dog. It will be warmer for your dog, and you can prevent a trip to the veterinarian.
Insulate Your Dog’s House
If you have an outdoor dog and you’re worried about his wellbeing outside, prepare his shelter. Start off by making sure that the house is stable and secure. After all, you do not want the house to get blown away by strong blizzards. Next, make sure that it is cozy and comfy. You can get some hay and put it in the house, or you can use old pillows and blankets for extra comfort. Make sure that the roof doesn’t leak, so no water freezes over as this will make it uncomfortable for your pet. When you finish insulating the doggie house, it will look so comfy, you are going to want to sleep in it.
Bring Your Dog Indoors
You can also consider bringing your dog indoors. It is the simplest solution during winter. The dogs are protected by all chilly winds and the freezing snow. It’s also much warmer indoors. The only problem is if someone in your house is allergic to dogs or if you don’t like having hairs all over the place. You can also make a shelter for your dog in a barn or tool shed, if you don’t usually keep them in your house. Your dog will be much happier and warmer.
Take Control Of Your Dogs Diet
Like every other living being, food is essential for everyday life. If your dog is outside, make sure you give it enough food. If the dog is hungry and is exposed to the cold, it can cause health complications. Feeding your dog with appropriate portions will actually keep it warm. Water is also an essential. You do not want to give it cold water, because it can freeze overnight and then your dog will not have anything to drink. This too can cause some problems. Pour warm water in his water bowl next time and check it frequently. It probably will freeze, but it is healthier for your dog to drink warm water rather than cold. Now, if your dog is indoors, you shouldn’t overfeed it. Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean that he needs more food than in other seasons. If it is inside, it is already warm, so give normal portions, or you can end up with an overweight dog.
Watch Out When Bathing Your Dog
It is not a problem if your dog is indoors and you bathe it during the winter. Make sure that its fur is fully dried before it goes outside, otherwise, your dog can get very sick. But if it is outdoors, bring the dog inside, bathe it and again, wait until it’s dry before letting in back outside. And it is very good for the dog to get a nice warm bath, especially when the temperature outside is extremely cold. It is also important to maintain your dog’s hygiene even during winter. It is better for the dog and you. Like the dog’s paws, salt and other toxic substances can get on the fur. It can be harmful for you too, while you are playing or cuddling with your little friends. You may also be exposed to the toxins and it can cause skin problems and, in some cases, health complications.
These are all simple yet effective ways to make sure our little friends are safe and warm during the freezing winter months. It is difficult for us people to keep warm during winter so just imagine what is it like for our furry canine friends. Next time you go for some winter outdoor activity with your dog, put on its coat and boots, make sure that you are both warm, and see how much happier you and your dog can be.