10 Tips To Wake Up Better
Your alarm clock goes off and you groan in agony. Yep, it’s time to get up and start your day. You look at your clock and contemplate spending a few more precious moments under the covers but you know you can’t because there is so much waiting to be done. You lie there for a few more seconds and begrudgingly get out of bed.
If you’re like many non-morning people in the world this is a part of your daily routine. You know you need to do things differently, but at that time of the day, you neither have the energy or the will to simply get up and go.
The good news is you can start your day on a more positive note and it’s not as tricky as you may think. All you need to do is try a few simple things to tweak your morning routine so your transition from peaceful slumber to a happy, productive day is made easier. Try these 10 ways to improve your morning routine and start your busy day the right way.
Start The Night Before
Spend a few minutes in the evening preparing for the following day. It may be the last thing you want to do at the end of a hard day, but doing simple things the night before like putting out your clothes and making your lunch will save you precious time in the morning. While you’re at it, don’t bring your phone into the bedroom with you. The constant notifications are annoyingly distraction and may interrupt your precious sleep. Also, try to go to bed early enough to get enough sleep. Staying up late means you’ll want to sleep late which will make getting up to go to work all the more difficult.
You Snooze, You Lose
Are you one of those people who hits the snooze button on your alarm clock several times before finally getting out of bed? It may seem like you’re just trying to steal a few more minutes of shut-eye, but this practice can actually be counterproductive and it can make you feel even sleepier than when the first alarm went off. Think about it, no matter how many times you hit that snooze button, you’ll still have to get out of bed at some point and when that point comes, you’ll have wasted a fair bit of time meaning the rest of your morning will end up in mad rush to get out the door. If you can’t decide between getting up at the first alarm or your usual last alarm, set your waking time to somewhere in between and get up when that alarm rings.
Start Your Day With H2O
A cool glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning is a great way to start your day. If you sleep for the recommended eight hours, you’re usually a little dehydrated in the morning. This can mean you wake up feeling a little sluggish. Cool water will wake you up, revitalize and rehydrate you and it will also do wonders for kick-starting your metabolism. Add a little bit of fresh lemon juice to your water for a real morning pick-me-up.
Get Your Morning Dose Of Caffeine
A cup of, say, instant coffee in the morning is a great way to kick start your day. It’s great for your concentration and the caffeine will definitely wake you up. If coffee isn’t your thing, tea, a glass of juice or even a smoothie will do just as well. Make this an indulgent part of your morning routine. This is your “you time” and those few moments you spend relaxing with your favorite beverage will make the transition to the rest of your busy day much more bearable.
Ditch The PJ’s
You may be tempted to stay in your pajamas for as long as possible in the morning but at some point, you will need to get dressed. Getting dressed is another morning ritual that prepares you for the day ahead. Even if you work from home, you won’t really feel like you’re ready to work until you are dressed and ready. When you’re fully dressed, don’t neglect your skincare routine and definitely put your toothbrush to work. Make sure you always look your best with neat hair and a trimmed beard. If you don’t like to spend too much time with a grooming routine, look up some fast and clever grooming hacks to make the process a little faster.
Leave Your Phone Alone
Smartphones are super convenient and all most of our lives are connected in this little device. You may be tempted to check all of your emails, messages and social media accounts but if you were to track the time you spend each morning “just checking” your messages, you’d probably be shocked at how much time you actually spend on your phone in the morning. Leave your phone alone until you are completely ready for the day. Most people will call you if it’s an emergency and everything else can wait.
Enjoy A Light Breakfast
A heavy or sugary breakfast may seem like a good idea but really, it isn’t. You don’t have to go all out for a full continental breakfast and you probably don’t have time in the morning anyway. Have some toast and eggs so you get some carbs and protein and stick to the natural sugars in fruit. If you’re not really into sit down breakfasts, make yourself a ham and salad sandwich and grab a piece of fruit. Quick, easy and good for you.
Sneak In Some Exercise
You don’t need to make time for a 5 mile run in the morning, unless of course, you’re already doing that. Pull on your running shoes and go for a quick jog around the block. For one, the fresh air will do you a world of good. For one, it will clear the cobwebs in your sleepy brain and get your heart pumping. If that isn’t your thing, a few simple stretches on a yoga mat can be just as invigorating. It really doesn’t matter what type of exercise you do, as long as you start the day moving. The burst of adrenalin will boost your energy levels and keep them up for most of the day.
Plan Your Day And Write It Down
Spend a few minutes in the morning planning your day. Just make sure you also write them down. Committing them to paper gives you a visual reminder of what needs to be done. Be realistic though. If you plan on doing too many things, you will stress yourself trying to get them all done and it may take the wind out of your motivation. Commit to 3 or 4 realistic goals for the day and don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get every single thing done. Tomorrow is another day.
Stretch Out
If you wake up in the morning feeling a little stiff take some time to stretch. Stretching in the morning is a great way to work out some of the kinks in your joints and it reminds your body that the day has begun. It will also loosen up tight muscles and improve your circulation. You don’t have to jump out of bed and rush into your stretches. Start by stretching out your arms and legs while you’re still in bed. Once you’ve done that then you can get out of bed and do some real stretching. Make sure your stretches include all parts of your body from the top of your head, to the tips of your toes.
Take baby steps when you want to improve your morning routine. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself in the morning and quickly lose interest. Don’t think of mornings in a negative way. Positive thinking will also improve your morning routine. Wake up with a smile on your face and be thankful for the good things in your life. Think of the opportunities a new day brings you and the people you can meet. Don’t forget to spend some time in the morning doing something just for you. Whether it’s a stop at your favorite coffee shop or a walk in the park. The day ahead is yours to enjoy so make the most of it.