How To Increase Productivity
Time can be your worst enemy or your best friend. It all depends on how you use it. If you find you often just run right of time and can’t stop procrastinating, you could have a problem. You can put it right by using your time wisely now to read through these useful tips on how to be more productive.
Time And Task Management
Being able to track your time effectively when you are on a task is an essential element for estimating your current productivity. Realistically evaluate where you are spending unnecessary time and which tasks must be given priority. Try to cut down your time investment on less effective tasks and dedicate this time to those that will be more productive. Don’t spend too much time doing a task; use an alarm clock to stay alert of how much time you have put in doing a particular task.
Take Short Breaks
To maintain the steady flow of work it is essential to take short breaks at regular intervals. Some people consider breaks from work as a waste of time but in actual practice, it strengthens your mind and allows you to regain your energy, which increases productivity. Working for hours without taking a break will adversely affect your productivity and performance graph.
Enforce Deadlines
If you want to stay focused and complete your tasks in the allocated time frame it’s good to practice time management and to enforce deadlines for small tasks and milestones – alarm clocks will also help here. Once you set your task deadline stay firm and stick to it. These short deadlines will help you achieve bigger targets and in your desired time frame. It’s the short term successes felt when achieving each milestone that motivates you to succeed when you tackle the bigger ones.
Stay Focused
Though multitasking has long been considered as a sign of efficiency, in practice it is one of the main reasons for a decline in productivity. When you focus on one task at a time and invest all your energy and concentration your productivity increases accordingly. The result is you perform tasks in less time and with greater efficiency.
Accept Imperfections
The desire for perfection is another obstacle in the way of being productive. When you chase perfection in each and every task you are wasting unnecessary energy and time to get one finished task that actually sucks away time meant for others. It’s better to accept small imperfections and focus on deadlines to do your best in the allocated time.
Don’t Get Dictated
Most people never plan their days and go with the assignment flow of the tasks throughout the day. They consume all of their energy and time in fulfilling the momentary assigned tasks and just accomplish what is dictated. This practice, although it seems fulfilling, will never increase your productivity. To be more productive, plan your day ahead by using a diary and line up tasks according to their priority.
Satisfy Your Aesthetic Sense
In the name of increasing productivity, many workplaces are equipped with beautiful plants, ponds, and other kinds of easy on the eye decor. It is a proven fact that when your aesthetic sense is satisfied you are better motivated for work and will work more efficiently. An aesthetically pleasing environment can also guard against fatigue. Always keep your work environment looking good for better productivity.
Intake Caffeine
Drinking any energy boosting drink containing caffeine such as tea or coffee or energy sodas will boost your energy level instantly. Caffeine not only shakes your brain into alertness but it also inhibits the absorption of a chemical, adenosine, that triggers fatigue and tiredness this in turn, increases the productivity of your working hours. Instant coffee, bringing coffee thermos at work every day or pod coffee machine at the office, it’s up to you.
Listen To Music
Just as a pleasing environment improves work efficiency similarly good background music positively impacts on productivity. Listening to good music keeps your mind alert and boosts your mood. But this music should not be a distraction from work and must be kept slow and light so resist the urge to put on rock and roll or anything else with a lively beat.
Set Your Priorities
Always prioritize your tasks in their order of urgency and consumption of time. Do the most important task first thing in the morning and allocate the time-consuming tasks for later part of the day. This prioritization of task will positively boost your work efficiency and increase your productivity.
Evaluate Your Most Productive Hours
Every person has different productive hours during the day, for some it’s the morning and for others, it’s late afternoon. Find out your more productive hours of the day and allocate these hours for the more important and technical tasks to make the most of these hours when you are functioning at your best and can attain maximum productivity.
Declutter Your Mind
Always keep a pen for work and notebook handy and jot down all the ideas and points that came to your mind instantly. This practice will keep your mind free from constant reoccurring thoughts and keep you focused.
Focus On Your Health
A healthy body yields more productive results and stays alert and active. Plan your meals ahead of time to save your energy from instant planning and your body from junk snacking.
Allocate some time for exercise daily and take short walks or do crunches or planks during work hours as well to stay focused.
Focus On Fruitful Tasks
For increasing your productivity it is essential to focus on tasks and activities that are more fruitful and results orientated. Most people waste a good chunk of their time on activities that do not yield any beneficial or productive outcome. It is okay to say no rather than overburden yourself with unnecessary tasks.
When you have a job to be done declutter your mind, choose your favorite coffee beans, put some music on and arrange your workspace to look nice. Once you’ve prepared a healthy meal ready for later, you’ve got no more excuses to not knuckle down and focus hard to get each task done. Celebrate your milestones with a quick walk or some crunches and you’ll be all set to go again and get even more work done. When it comes to being more productive at work, our simple holistic approach sure helps you impress the bosses.