Crucial Life Lessons For Men
Life – we’re all trying to figure it out and make the best of it. But let’s face it, “adulting” is hard and we don’t always have the answers. This doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t at least try and give it our best shot. If others can live content lives, why can’t we all? A good start will be to acknowledge these 10 life lessons that every man should learn.
1. Take Responsibility For Your Actions
The harshest reality that you might have to face is that you and only you are accountable for your own actions. You’ll have to “man up” and stop playing the Blame Game that got you out of tricky situations when you were younger.
This might sound quite terrifying but you will soon discover that owing up to your mistakes is not the be all and end all. Quite the opposite, in fact. Being responsible comes with a certain aura of maturity and you will be respected for being honest and accepting the consequences.
You also won’t have to spend the rest of your life hiding behind others.
2. See The Glass Half Full
The secret’s out. To have a positive life, you need to have a positive outlook. For some, this isn’t as easy as it sounds. One significant step you can take in the right direction, however, is to stop complaining. This one mere change in your life can set the tone for a positive disposition and a chirpier self.
So, the next time something awful happens to you, try not to dwell in the hardships. Instead, try to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel and pick out the good, leaving the bad behind. It’s almost magical how good things start falling into place when we make a point of seeking them out.
3. Don’t Be Too Serious
Yes, you’re a grown-up, we know! This doesn’t mean that you have to turn into a serious old man overnight. We encourage you to laugh at yourself – act silly and have some fun! Being light-hearted and a tad goofy makes you more approachable, more human.
4. Make Peace With The Fact That Not All Of Your Plans Will Happen
Whether it be the girl next door, a promotion or something totally insignificant but utterly cool that you had hoped for, the hard truth is that you are not always going to get what you want. This isn’t the end of the world and you might discover that plan B is even better.
Make peace with the fact that you cannot control everything and get ready to embrace the unexpected.
That being said – you also want to persevere to attain the realistic goals you have created.
5. Avoid Comparing Yourself to Others
News alert! You’re fantastic just the way you are.
You also need to stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. Life’s short and if you spend your time trying to compete with others you will only be left feeling unfulfilled, no matter how much you actually have.
Embrace your unique journey. Appreciate your personality, your likes and dislikes, and stop trying to “fit in” with the crowds.
Go with your own flow and enjoy the ride!
6. Choose Your Friends Wisely
The people you hang out with determine your lifestyle. While Paul might seem like the coolest dude on the block, his carefree demeanor and “don’t give a damn” attitude could rub off on you and before you know it, you’re back at home living in your mom’s basement.
Choose friends who will motivate and encourage you. Friends who appreciate life and are driven.
Also, having tons of buddies doesn’t mean you have many friends. Sometimes having a smaller circle of people who you can truly connect with is more valuable than knowing every Tom, Dick, and Harry.
7. It’s OK To Be Alone
As you enter adulthood and leave school, there will be days where you are alone at home with nowhere to go and nothing to do. Embrace this! It’s completely OK to have days where it’s just you and only you.
Use this time to reflect and appreciate the comfort of your own skin.
And if all of your friends are busy shacking up with girlfriends and wives, good for them! Your time will come and if it doesn’t, so be it. Living alone gives you time to pick up some awesome life skills, like cooking, and cleaning, and taking care of the bills. A responsible man is an attractive man!
Just remember, there’s a difference between being alone and “lonely”. Don’t let yourself fall into a pit of loneliness – grab yourself some good friends and visit your family.
8. Being Broke And Poor Are Not The Same
We live in tough times and the economy is not always on our side. There are going to be times where you are simply not going to make it through the month. This sucks, to say the least. What’s important is that you do not fall into the pits about it. You are not poor, you are broke.
Poverty is terrible. It means there is a lack of opportunity. You, you have opportunities all around you. You need to grab the bull by the horns and make life work – because you can.
And do yourself a favor. When the money does start to roll in, share it. Use it to create opportunities for others where you can. The feeling that comes with helping someone beats any other level of euphoria.
9. Respect Is A Two-Way Street
When we’re teenagers, we think life owes us. Our parents are simply ridiculous and they simply don’t “get’ us. The lesson that we will eventually learn (if we’re lucky), however, is that when we start respecting our parents, their respect and trust for us starts to grow.
In essence, the best way to get respect is not necessarily to earn it but to give it.
Respecting a person means listening to them, talking to them politely, and understanding them, even if your beliefs are different.
10. Stay Healthy
Last but certainly not least. Do yourself a favor and stick to healthy routines. Make exercise a priority, eat your greens, and down that water. There’s absolutely no denying that a healthier you is a happier you.
Drop the bad habits and look after yourself. When you take care of your body you are not only showing yourself respect but you are respecting your loved ones too.
A healthy body and a healthy mind will make room for so many great opportunities and with all the energy you will have buzzing around, you can take advantage of them – creating a full and worthy life while you do.
There’s no need to be a gym bunny either, brisk walks in the afternoon and a balanced diet will work well too.