The Art Of Shaving In The Winter
Shaving is a daily routine that most people take for granted because of its supposed simplicity. But there’s a right and a wrong way to do it and this varies from season to season. Seeing as winter is upon us, it is only wise to take the time to understand how to achieve perfect results after shaving. Again, this may seem quite simple but you’ll be sure to notice the difference once you do it the right way. Based on all this and more, here are some pretty straightforward tips and directions that will ensure you get the perfect shave.
Before You Shave…
Be sure to make sure the area is well exfoliated. (You should use exfoliator regardless of the season, and whether you shave or not). Nevertheless, winter is one particular season that requires a whole lot of exfoliation. Even more so before shaving takes place. Why is it so important during winter?
Well, thanks to a plummet in humidity during winter, it’s very easy for the skin to dry out and crack. What makes it even worse is the fact that the heat is turned up quite high when indoors. This causes the skin to get even more dehydrated.
Dry skin is the bane of every razor’s existence. So, rather than making your shaving equipment work extra hard simply exfoliate at least twice a week to achieve maximum results. Rehydrated skin will allow for a more smooth and blemish-free end result.
You can get away with not doing this when the weather is a bit warmer, but best believe that it is a different ball game when the sun goes into hiding. Introducing some oil into your regimen will go a long way to ensure that the end result is a lot neater and the journey there is a lot less painful. So, right after opening up the pores with a bit of hot water, it is advisable to make use of good pre-shave oil. This is something that should really be part of the entire shaving process, but it is even more vital when winter comes around. Using oil will not only soften the hair but also the skin and this makes for painless process and a better end result.
Do Not Shower
It seems natural to take a hot shower before starting up the shaving process. In fact, it feels pretty nice when it’s done in that order. But the combination of hot water and the cold air will only result in dried-out skin. So, once winter comes around, it’s time to skip the pre-shave shower. All those natural oils you’re washing away are actually quite useful when the weather becomes cold and dry. Best believe that you need to lock in all the moisture you have in order to make sure the final is something more than ‘just presentable’.
Even though taking a hot shower is out of the question, it is still advisable to open those pores up using hot water. There are two ways you can get this done effectively, either use a damp towel to soak your face for a few seconds or go ahead and splash the hot water on your face. Either way, it should be very minimal and just enough to open the pores up while equally softening the hair. This will result in a more streamlined and painless shaving process.
After Shaving…
Slather On That Product
What you do after you shave is just as important as what you do before and after. Picture this, it’s quite abnormal to take a shower and just throw on some clothes afterward. Your skin will not be very appreciative of that. In the same way, it is important to get yourself some post-shave products like aftershaves and use them well. This will not only guard against razor burn but do not underestimate the pain that some good old wind can cause.
For that reason, it is a good idea to arm yourself up with some post-shave balm and not just any old lotion. Why go through all the trouble? While lotions could be a close second, post-shave balms are a lot denser and as such create a more healthy barrier on the skin. They do not only serve as adequate protection but also feed the skin while providing a calming effect. This does not have to be a part of your regimen during the warmer months, in fact, you only need to stock up for winter when it comes to post-shave balms.
Only Shave Before Bed Time
This is not something you need to do all year long, but it would not hurt if it became a habit. Shaving is usually done in the morning so that a clean, fresh look can be sported throughout the day. During winter, that has to be sacrificed for the health and comfort of your skin. You see, when you shave at night, your skin has ample time to recuperate from the light trauma it has been through. Even when you slather on the post-shave balm, it is nothing compared to what the natural oil that your skin produces. Constantly applying these products can eventually traumatize and irritate the skin to a fault.
So, once you have had a good shave at night, there’s really no need to do any heavy work in the morning. Simply give your face a light rinse and apply a moisturizer. This sounds like a whole lot of moisture, but remember, this is winter you are up against, any moisture you can get is precious. The truth is that you may not end up looking as sleek as you would like, but it is way better than the burns and irritations that will slowly become an integral part of your life.
Don’t Change Your Razor
There is really no need to have a different razor for every season, it hardly makes any difference. First of all, find what works for you and stick to it religiously. The one thing that will change is the number of times you use it. Once you’ve reached four shaves, it’s probably time to move on to the next one.