Reasons To Take Multivitamins
Multivitamins, or supplements as you might also find them described, are designed specifically to enhance your health and can be super beneficial if your diet and nutrition are lacking in a particular area. A targeted boost of certain vitamins and minerals can really give you a heap more energy, especially if you exercise regularly, are under a lot of pressure or have been ill and as a consequence are lacking in essential nutrients. Supplements rather than stimulants should be your mantra, and a multivitamin is a great way to start out your day as it ensures you get just the right balance and combination of your daily recommended dosage of vitamins and minerals. Other supplements are regularly recommended with Vitamin C, Omega 3 and Vitamin D being among the more popular, but with a good multivitamin, you will receive a whole host of health benefits so let’s delve in and look at 10 Reasons to take Multivitamins.
We Just Don’t Eat Enough Fruit And Vegetables These Days
Common sense would dictate that if we eat a well-balanced diet packed full of nutritionally dense fruit and vegetables, then we shouldn’t ever need to take a multivitamin but chances are that you just aren’t taking on board all the essential nutrients you should be from your diet, no matter how disciplined you might be. The effect of not getting the correct balance of vitamins and minerals is that your body and the immune system is all out of whack and as a subsequence, without care mongering, that can lead to complications including heart disease, cancer, strokes and a whole host of other health conditions. Adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control should ideally be consuming 1.5-2 cups of fruit and a further 2-3 cups of vegetables per day hence where the saying, your “5 a day” derives from. Triple cooked chips don’t count before you ask and staggeringly in a study that CDC carried out, 76% of all adults admitted to not eating enough fruit and the figure was even higher when it came to the green stuff with 87% of adults not consuming enough daily veggies. Now you might be thinking, nah, that’s not me! You may be one of the well-educated and disciplined ones who monitors their intake of fruit and vegetables and always makes sure they hit their daily quota. That’s where a Juicer or Smoothie Maker can be really beneficial as you can get the whole family eating (or rather drinking) their 5 a day without ever even realizing that they’ve just downed some Kale!
Slowing Down The Aging Process And Supporting Your Body To Age Healthily
It’s an undeniable fact of life that we all grow old, and as we do so, our bodies begin to react differently. Our metabolism slows down, our ability to spring back and recover from a bout of illness is prolonged, and our overall nutritional requirements change. Our bodies need more nutrients to support the aging process yet find it more difficult to absorb them. Quite often our appetite alters and can be reduced too so overall we’re just not getting the right balance of essential vitamins and minerals that we require to grow old gracefully. Add to that any adverse reactions from medications that you might have to take which may be furthering depleting your body inadvertently of nutrients and it all clocks up to be a recipe for disaster. That is unless you are supplementing your diet with a multivitamin. You are never too young or too old to get into the excellent habit of taking you’re A-Z. If you want to put aging in its tracks and support your body as it grows old, you definitely should be taking a multivitamin.
Multivitamins Are Good For Heart Health
Plenty of studies have been able to directly link a decrease in the chances of having cardiovascular disease with taking a regular multivitamin. Heart disease just so happens to be one of the leading causes of death for both men and women, especially in the Western World, so why would you not do something about it that could minimize your own risks? With a multivitamin, you get the right balance of all those minerals and vitamins that you need to help healthy heart functioning. Most of these you will have heard of but not realized what their primary function is. The ones that you need to be looking out for are the B Vitamins, in particular, B1, B2, and B6 as well as Niacin which is also known as B3. K1 and CoQ10, as well as Magnesium, are also playing an essential part in keeping your ticker in tickety-boo. A couple of those vitamins and minerals we’ve listed out are commonly deficient in a wide range of people, in particular Magnesium and B Vitamins so with a multivitamin you can ensure that you are counter-acting the potential to develop that deficiency in your own body.
Multivitamins Can Be Beneficial In The Fight Against Cancer
This one is, of course, a little more controversial and it’s a hot topic of debate, but there is recent documentary evidence that taking a daily multivitamin can significantly reduce the risk of certain cancers. Hereditary issues aside, why wouldn’t you commit to taking something that could help prevent any form of the disease, especially one that is so life-threatening. So far we’re seeing no downside to taking a multivitamin and absolutely loads of upside.
For A Boost To Your Immune System, A Multivitamin Is A Winner
Winter colds are always rife, and one of the common non-medicinal cures is to take on board more Vitamin C from oranges and lemons which are so effective at helping to nip a cold in the bud. It’s a great idea to invest in a juicer so that you can ensure that you get your Vitamin C intake naturally but for those of you who aren’t into pressing oranges and lemons and various other citrus delights, it just so happens to be one of the main ingredients in a multivitamin. Along with Vitamins D and E, vitamin C can seriously provide your immune system with a much-needed boost. It’s like winter-proofing your body! You do it to your garden, batten down the hatches, getting your yard prepared for the harsh winter months ahead so why wouldn’t you respect your body in the same way by looking after it?
Support Strong Eye Health
Another side effect of the aging process is that our eyesight diminishes. Even those of us blessed with 20:20 vision all our life may end up grabbing a pair of reading glasses. For the rest of you, it might be a case of Varifocals! A multivitamin is packed with all the vital ingredients you need to promote strong eye health. Specifically, Vitamins A, C, E, and Niacin can help as can Lutein and something called Zeaxanthin which is proven to help protect against light waves and muscle degeneration.
Great For Improving The Appearance Of Skin, Nails, And Hair
There’s plenty of research currently going into this particular area as let’s face it, we all want to look younger for longer and having healthy skin, hair and nails is a significant part of that. These are the visual out reminders of our health to the world. A beautiful head of hair, strong, healthy nails as well as a clear and radiant complexion all help to make us look more youthful and more vibrant. Again, a lot can be done via your nutrition to ensure your skin is healthy and never ever underestimate the power of nature’s very own H2O. Water is critical when it comes to improving the appearance of skin. You will no doubt have seen products featuring Biotin which is proven to be amazing for bringing dull, fragile and lackluster hair back to luscious life! An excellent multivitamin will contain all the main ingredients you need to promote fuller and thicker hair as well as revitalized skin. We’re talking about Vitamin B3, Biotin and Vitamin C for your hair and Vitamins A, C, E and CoQ10 for your anti-aging skincare needs.
Improved Brain Functioning
Your brain is just as important as your body, and it needs plenty of the good stuff too to stay active and alert. You will all have heard some foods, namely fish, nuts and leafy greens referred to as brain food and that’s because they’re packed with nutrients and minerals that help support healthy cognitive functioning. If you’re not a fan of mackerel with broccoli every day for your dinner, then a multivitamin will ensure that you are taking on board the B1 (Thiamine) and B9 (Folic Acid) along with Magnesium and Zinc that are so good for your brain power.
Boosting Your Weight Loss And Exercise Goals By Promoting And Supporting Your Metabolism
We’re not suggesting that you can just take a multivitamin and you will lose weight. However, by taking a multivitamin, you are increasing your body’s change to better digest your food which will ensure that your metabolism keeps ticking over as it should. All of that will assist you with your on-going weight loss and exercise goals and ensure that you stay motivated to succeed.
Promote All-Around General Well-Being And Increase Energy Levels
If you regularly take a multivitamin, you will definitely find that your overall mental health and well-being improves too and you just generally feel better with bags more energy and joie de vivre. That’s because your multivitamin contains all of those lovely B Vitamins that are associated with the feel-good factor. Lowering stress levels and anxiety, boosting your mood and feelings of calm and contentment and just generally making you a happier person. What’s not to love about that? It’s all the reason you require, right there, to commit to taking a daily multivitamin.
Final Thoughts
Think of a multivitamin if you will as a health insurance policy, only a much cheaper one to run! Don’t you deserve to give your body the best possible chance and success to be healthy for as long as is humanly possible? Why would you not take care of it, after all, it’s the only one that you’ve got! A multivitamin is like a daily guarantee that your body WILL get the correct balance and dosage of recommended vitamins and minerals to keep it functioning well and compliments any shortfalls that you are not getting in your diet.
Besides the benefits of fruit and vegetables that we spoke about above, there are lots of complex minerals that you may well be lacking, and so a multi-vitamin is a great way of counteracting this imbalance. Unless you took the time and paid the money to have your vitamin and mineral levels professionally assessed, chances are that you would never even realize that your lethargy was down to say an Iron or a Magnesium deficiency. So do yourself a favor and if you’re not already taking a daily multivitamin, go out a buy the best one you can afford right now. Your overall health and well-being will so reward you for doing so, and you will save yourself so much potential money in the future trying to fix chronic ailments that could have been nipped in the bud before they even started had you just popped a little daily multivitamin.