Health Benefits Of Sauna
Saunas have been around for centuries and are the perfect way to relax and unwind as the steam does its magic for you. You can’t even imagine a weekend spa getaway without envisioning yourself sitting or lying back in a steam room.
There is no doubt that all that relaxation does wonders for your mind, but using saunas comes with quite a long list of health benefits. We’ll look at every health reason you should be using saunas more often so you can improve your mind, body and soul.
They Are Great For Physical Recovery
There’s a good reason most gyms and fitness centers have their own sauna. They are excellent to help you recover from your workouts. The gentle heat and steam relax your muscles and help to soothe those aches and pains.
Improve Your Cardiovascular Health
A relaxed body and mind usually means less stress and the less we stress, the better for our hearts and our cardiovascular health. Simply using a sauna a few times a week can help you lower your stress levels enough to keep your cardiovascular system in optimal health.
The cardiovascular benefits don’t end there, sauna use also reduces the risk or having high blood pressure and the heat raises the heart rate to levels similar to moderate exercises. This boost to your circulation is great for your overall health as well.
Sweat Out Those Toxins
In everyday life, we are exposed to dozens, if not hundreds of toxins. It’s not enough to worry about ingesting some of them as simply walking outdoors in the smoggy city is enough to have toxins attach themselves to our skin. Sitting in a sauna will make us sweat more than almost any other activity and those toxins on our skin, and even under it, are flushed out with the sweat. Think of your regular sauna visit as the ultimate detox therapy that you will actually enjoy.
Sleep Like A Baby
We all know the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep but many people find it difficult to get enough of that truly rejuvenating deep sleep. The good news is that many sauna users have reported being able to fall asleep in no time and achieve that elusive deep sleep and wake up the next day feeling incredibly rested.
Saunas Help With Weight Loss
Losing weight is always a challenge so when there is a way to lose some weight with practically no effort it’s like a dream come true. Just 20 minutes relaxing in a sauna can burn as many calories as an hour of cycling. Given the choice of the two, it’s not hard to guess which one most people would rather do. Once you start to see the weight come off, you will start to reap many other health benefits that come with getting rid of those pesky pounds.
Minimize Some Skin Problems
Some people who suffer from psoriasis have noticed this nasty dermatological condition improves dramatically with a regular sauna session. However, it’s best to check with your dermatologist first as those with atopic dermatitis may find their conditions worsens in the hot and steamy environment. Even if you have reasonably good skin, along with using everyday skin products like face moisturizers and exfoliators, a regular visit to your favorite sauna will help keep your skin looking even better.
Reduce The Risk Of Alzheimer’s
Numerous studies have been done on the positive effects of saunas on Alzheimer sufferers but one of the most notable ones included a study of over 2000 subject over a 20 year period and the conclusion drawn by Dr. Jari Laukkanen of the University of eastern Finland is that those that regularly used a sauna were 65% less likely to develop Alzheimer’s or dementia.
You Can Prevent Many Common Illnesses
Sitting in a sauna at regular intervals promotes the production of white blood cells. When this happens, your body is better able to fight common illnesses like colds and flu. One of the other bonuses is that it can relieve the symptoms of respiratory issues such as asthma, allergies or sinus congestion. This is extra good news for those who suffer from hay fever as well. If possible, add a few drops of essential oils to the water for a little aromatherapy or a little bit of decongestion as well.
Enjoy The Human Bonding
Unless you have your own sauna at home, any trip out of the house is an opportunity to socialize. Many people find saunas a great place to have deep and meaningful conversations with their friends. Having the opportunity to chat with people in such a quiet, relaxed setting is great for your unwinding and getting a few things off your chest. You don’t even need to expose your deepest darkest secrets or problems to benefit from chatting in such a serene setting. Even if you don’t hit the sauna with your friends, you’re bound to meet some new ones to strike up a conversation with.
Do It Just Because
Our lives are full of obligations and sometimes a little bit of stress. Anything that can help us feel relaxed is going to benefit our mind, body and soul. It’s a chance to take a step back and unwind. Do it just because it feels good and don’t we all deserve to do something for no other reason than it makes us feel good?
There are many other health-related reasons you should be hitting the sauna a few times a week. This regular and invigorating activity leaves you feeling completely relaxed and invigorated in ways you may not have thought possible. Hit the sauna early in the week to prepare you for the busy week ahead, go in the middle of the week to break the monotony and go again at the end of the week to unwind from the busy week you’ve just put behind you. Saunas are such an easy way to do something so incredibly positive for your health, is it any wonder why this ancient concept is still popular today?