How To Safely Shave Your Pubic Hair
Every person has their own pubic philosophy. Whether you are an advocate of the “less-is-more” approach or prefer your hair to be wild and unruly, how you maintain your nether regions is a personal choice. These days, removing pubic hair tends to be a practice more for aesthetics than health benefits, with many individuals opting for the“landscaped” look. With a variety of options to choose from, such as waxing, laser treatment, and electrolysis, shaving still remains the most popular choice. This is mostly because it can be done from the convenience of one’s own home and is a more affordable choice too.
The problem is that many go about shaving a little recklessly, mostly because of time constraints or because it’s a chore we that we want to get over and done with as soon as possible. This neglect or rushed approached can, however, lead to nicks, bumps, burns, ingrown hairs and even inflammation. This, in turn, can cause discomfort and a sketchy-looking pubic area.
To help you get the smoothest and safest shave possible, we encourage you to apply these 10 tips that keep safety and efficiency in mind.
1. Start With A Pre-Trim
Carelessly hacking your way through a bush of short-and-curlies is bound to end in a disaster. Razors and trimmers are not designed to maneuver their way through thick hair. If you attempt this, you will only end up with clogged equipment and a nasty cut or two. Instead, start each shave off by prepping the pubic area first. Snip away long hair with a pair of clean and sharp scissors by pulling it straight and then cut as close to your skin as you can, without nicking yourself, of course. If you feel comfortable using clippers, you can give them a go too.
2. Never “Wing It”
When it comes to maintaining the more sensitive parts of your body, then we highly recommend you give the notion of “trial and error” a miss. Preparation is key and ideally, you want to have all the necessary utensils on hand. From shaving equipment to exfoliators and moisturizers, you want to make sure that you have selected brands that will work well with your skin type. This will help to avoid any skin irritations or allergic reactions that might occur along the way.
3. Razor Or Trimmer?
This decision comes down to the type of shave you want. Are you thinking “soft and smooth as a baby’s bottom” or do you simply want to add some order to the goings-on down there? A razor gives a closer shave and completely exposes the skin while pubic hair trimmers cut hair to your preferred length. If your skin is very sensitive, we recommend that you avoid razor blades and exposed pubic skin and rather opt for a trimmer. If you’re going for a “fresher” look, on the other hand, then make sure the blade on your razor is sharp and rust-free.
4. Soften The Hair And Follicles
The next step that will make all the difference is to take a long warm bath or shower to soften your pubic hair follicles before your “manscaping” begins! While this might seem like an unnecessary step, it really does make all the difference. Softer hair is easier to cut and you won’t have to yank and tug your way through an uncomfortable shave.
5. Exfoliate
Exfoliating before shaving helps to remove dead skin cells and prevent ingrown hairs. A good exfoliator will also leave you feeling great down under! You can use an exfoliating cleanser, a body scrub, an abrasive mitt, a loofah or a body brush to ever so gently polish your pubic area with gentle circular motions. Just please remember to steer clear of the more, erhm, sensitive parts of your pubic zone. You can exfoliate again once you are done shaving to fully remove loose hairs and follicles.
6. Use A Premium Quality Shaving Cream Or Gel
If you value your family jewels then it’s worth treating them like royalty. Cheap knock-off gels and creams could lead to some serious skin irritations and even burns. We suggest you opt for the more premium quality brands that have specifically been made for sensitive skin and pubic areas. Ideally, you want to select a shaving cream or gel that contains soothing agents, like Aloe Vera, for instance. No matter which cream or gel you select, however, testing it on the back of your leg first is always a good idea – this way you can make sure that you are not allergic to any of the ingredients.
7. Stretch Your Skin Tight
Once you have prepped and primped, then it is time to get down to action. After applying your gel or lotion, you need to grab your razor and shave your way to a neater and more comfortable nether region. Razors and even trimmers work best on flat surfaces – and your bait and tackle are not exactly a sheet of alabaster. Use your free hand to stretch your skin and create a flat area. Glide the blade over your skin gently and with little pressure. If you try shaving on loose skin, things could turn nasty very quickly!
8. What Direction?
The question of all questions! The choice, our friend, is yours – although the universe does come with some sound advice. Shaving against the grain will give you a closer shave but shaving with the grain is less likely to result in irritation and ingrown hairs. Because we are dealing with a more sensitive part of your body, our suggestion is to move the blade in the direction the hair is growing – this will protect your delicate bits.
9. Remove Ingrown Hairs
Time for the tweezers! Once you have flattened the jungle, it’s time for some more detailed landscaping. To give a clean shave and to avoid the festering of ingrown hairs, we recommend that you use a clean pair of tweezers to pull out any stubborn follicles. It’s at this point that you can also repeat the exfoliation process to further remove dead skin cells and hair particles. Good hygiene practices are always important when it comes to our private bits.
10. Moisturize
Post-shave care is just as important as the job itself. So, once you have shaved, rinsed, and dried your nether regions, then its time to moisturize. Applying body lotion to newly-shaved skin will give the area some much-needed hydration and will also help to close the pores and prevent bacteria from wriggling its way into your skin (gross!). While you might be tempted to use any old moisturiser, we encourage you to use something more natural on your delicate parts. Coconut, jojoba or lavender oils work well at softening the skin and preventing post-shave dryness. And if you are looking for something to soothe your skin that’s feeling a little sorrier for itself, then Aloe Vera is always a good go-to natural substance that’s perfect for soothing intimate of areas.
- How to Shave Your Pubic Hair – wikiHow
- The 10 Step Guide to Removing Your Pubes (Properly!) – Intimina