How To Stay Healthy While Travelling
It can be hard enough getting yourself into a routine back home of exercising and eating well. Maybe even some regular meditation to keep the mind, body, and spirit active and healthy. Throw into the mix travel plans, be that a business trip or an annual vacation, and you might find all that hard work and consistency goes out the window!
While it’s entirely possible that you have great intentions of working out, so much so that you pack those running shoes into your new large backpack every time you head away for a conference, chances are that they usually stay exactly where you packed them! At the bottom of that backpack along with the protein shaker that you also thought you’d take along for the proverbial ride, “just in case!”
You could be the proud owner of the world’s most well-traveled running shoes but ones which have never actually made it onto your feet to do any running! Don’t worry! You’re not alone if that is the case. Businessmen the world over kid themselves that they’re going to hit the hotel gym to work off the jet lag and epically fail, heading to the lobby bar instead!
That’s why we’re here to help you stay on track with our tops tips on keeping motivated and on top of your fitness and nutrition goals when you’re away from home. So stay tuned and don’t panic as we’re about to run you through our guide to staying healthy and active while traveling.
First up, consistency is the key but feel the need to limit yourself to your regular routines.
There’s nothing better than sticking to a regular routine, and that can, of course, be much easier to accomplish when you are back home on solid ground with the familiar around you. The fridge is stocked with all your 5 a day fresh fruit and veggies. Your Blender is out on the kitchen countertop in easy reach, ready to routinely make that morning protein shake; which you religiously take to the gym with you for a post-workout refuel.
OK, we get it! If you’re on a business trip, camping with the kids for the school holidays, or backpacking with mates, then chances are there’ll be no nutritionally balanced fridge stocked with leafy greens and coconut water on hand. That doesn’t, however, mean that your healthy lifestyle needs to go entirely out of the window. It’s all about making smart choices when you’re traveling, both when it comes to work, rest and play, as well as managing your calorie intake. By that, we do mean from both food and the hidden sugars in alcohol!
A little bit of what you fancy does you good!
Restricting your options, especially if you are on a well-deserved holiday, will just make you feel miserable and cranky which is no good for you or your fellow travelers! So, it’s all about moderation and doing what you can to stay on track of your fitness goals, wherever in the world you might be.
If you’ve packed your favorite noise canceling headphones you’ve no excuse! Whether you’re zoning out and listening to that latest well-being podcast to unwind after a long day at a boring conference, or you’re hitting the nearest park to blow away the cobwebs listening to a few banging beats, by packing a pair of headphones you’re far more likely to keep that mind-body equilibrium in check.
So don’t forget that essential packing list.
Running shoes? Check! Protein shaker? Check! Wireless headphones? Check!
OK, you’re officially good to go. So let’s look at some tops tips that will help you to enjoy that vacation without backtracking on all the recent progress you’ve made.
You’re in new surroundings so get out there and explore them.
Don’t leave those running shoes at the bottom of your backpack, get them out, lace them up and head on out to explore the local scene. You don’t need access to a hotel gym to stay active. It could just be something as simple as taking a stroll around the block, heading to the local farmers market or strolling along the beach. The point is, by combining some exercise and leisure time with some on foot sight-seeing you’ll be able to keep active while still finding the time to relax and enjoy the local scenery. Whether you’re city, beach of countryside bound, there’s always going to be something of interest in proximity to where you’re staying. So pop on your favorite music and head on out to see what’s what!
If you love your regular Yoga, Crossfit or Weight training sessions, then seek out the local studio.
No matter where you go in the world (within reason!), you shouldn’t have far to venture to find your favorite classes or a gym. OK, if you practice a particular form of Martial Arts, you might not be in luck, but most gyms and studios will offer a discount price or a limited trial offer, perfect for someone who’s traveling through, just like you!
If you’re on a business trip, then chances are that the hotel you are staying in will have a well-equipped gym that you can make use of. No excuses! There’s nothing quite like a 20-minute circuit or some HIIT training to set you up for the day, and you could even do a bodyweight blast in your room and ensure that post-vacay, you’re still feeling fit and not starting back at square one.
Besides those running shoes, how about taking some light equipment with you?
Gym gear might not be top of your essential holiday packing light, but actually, resistance bands are super light and compact and take up virtually no space at all, neither does a skipping rope which is a fantastic way to quickly raise that heartbeat and get some essential cardio into your workouts. Just the mere fact that you’ve packed some equipment may well serve as a very physical reminder to move more while you’re away! The other alternative is to download a fitness app onto your phone so that with or without a gym, you can still access your favorite workouts.
Remember that eating highly nutritious food when you’re traveling is also vital for your overall health and well-being.
It’s a great idea when you are traveling to at least try and eat one fresh meal per day. By all means, indulge in the local cuisine. Trying out local delicacies, after all, is a huge part of visiting and experiencing new and exciting countries and cultures. Experimenting and tantalizing your taste buds with the different tastes, flavors, spices and produce local to the region can be a lot of fun. However, do your best to keep up on your intake of fresh fruit and vegetables; whether you incorporate those with breakfast, lunch or dinner.
If you are only heading away for a weekend, consider packing your own healthy snacks too so that you don’t get tempted to eat too many naughty treats along the way! Protein bars, trail mix, beef jerky, and mixed dried fruits and nuts are healthy go-to snacks that you can quickly throw into your backpack before you head off.
Really there’s no excuse. It’s easy to stay healthy and active while traveling as long as you stick to your guns and your goals.