How To Be A More Attractive Man
We all strive to be the most attractive guy in the room and often find the competition of other men doing the same thing. So how do you become more attractive while remaining confident? That’s what we’re here to talk about. These sexy stud secrets will help you feel more confident and appeal to the crowd of guys and gals that you want attention from. There’s nothing wrong with wanting some of that spotlight, so let’s help you get it with these twenty ripper tips on embodying your ideal image.
1. Be Kind, Always
They say nice guys finish last, but that’s a load of crock. You want sustainable sexiness that helps you separate potential mates from immature people. It’s about attracting the right kind of attention, and nothing is more attractive than being a kind and pleasant person. Negative responses to words and instances, such as getting angry or panicking, aren’t generally seen as attractive. It’s the guy who stays cool under pressure, calm and collected that has all eyes on him (in a good way). There’s a difference between being a doormat, and being kind to people. Practice it in speech, smiling more, and having more open body language, but don’t leave yourself susceptible to people walking all over you.
2. Keep Your Beard Trim
Beards had this major boom a few years back, but the zeal has worn off. You can still have a sexy beard, but it’s all about keeping it clean and straight-edged as much as possible. You want to have the lumberjack length beard? Keep the sides tidy and cut off frayed ends. You want a shorter, corporate-friendly beard? Keep those cheek lines angular and straight, giving a rugged, square-jawed appearance. You can experiment with different beard styles, but the key is keeping it clean and trim: use beard oil or beard balm, beard brushes to keep it tidy, and trim it regularly to keep a specific style. Managed beards rock, while wild beards aren’t going to do you any favors.
3. Manscape, Even When It’s Not For Anybody
Even when you don’t have an SO that you’re keeping the shop tidy for, manscaping on a regular basis will improve your self-confidence. They say that when you trim the hedges, the tree looks bigger, and who doesn’t feel good about that? Apart from that, it makes cleaning up after sporting activities, hiking, and the gym a lot easier with less of a “disgusting” feeling. It also boosts your confidence so if some crazy random sexually-charged act is about to happen, you’re focused and in the moment instead of worrying about how your buddy looks. It’s about self-love, but that confidence is going to show. When you feel good about yourself, when you’re confident in your body and appearance, it shows everyone else that you’re an alpha.
4. Straighten Up, Soldier!
That’s completely literal – start standing up straight with your chest pulled back. Your posture immediately affects how others view you, but it also affects how you view yourself as well. Changing the way that you walk and position yourself while sitting speaks volumes, especially when you’re engaged in a conversation. Poor posture transmits the idea that you don’t want to be there, you’re bored, rude or simply just don’t care when it could just be that your confidence is sorely lacking. Stand and sit straighter, and you’ll immediately appear more interested in conversations, respectful of others, and most importantly, you’ll feel better physically, and by noting the positivity that’s being shifted your way from others.
5. Learn The Art of the Joke
When people laugh (for the right reasons), it makes you immediately feel validated, entertaining and liked, and that’s completely true. People want the funny guy to be in their group. Men and women are more attracted to guys who can make them laugh, without having dark, sadistic humor. For some in-depth coverage on this topic, Charlie from Charisma on Command has this excellent video showcasing the art of clean humor that always gets a laugh.
You can have your dark humor, but that usually stays with friends and family. When you’re trying to appeal to others who you don’t know well, jokes need to be agreeable and universally accepted without comedically bringing harm or deprecation to others. Learn how to effectively joke, and you’ll have people laughing and smiling constantly. Who doesn’t want to be around that all the time?
6. Start Practicing An Instrument
You ever wonder why crowds of thousands would scream and swoon over AC DC, The Beatles and Zeppelin? They played guitar, and they looked absolutely killer doing it. Truth is, you could learn any instrument and immediately be seen as more attractive, but sticking to a core few will up your sex appeal even more. Acoustic and electric guitar, piano, and drums are seen as the sexist, because they invoke different extremes in you: skill, precision and intensity, respectively. Besides that, who doesn’t like music?
7. Have a Slow, Sexy Smile
Smiling is a great tool to appear more open and inviting and a lot sexier, but it’s also a hair trigger between sexy and creepy. You don’t want to smile too widely too quickly, or it’ll look like you’re flashing a complacent smile. You don’t want to do it too slowly, or you’ll look like a Disney villain. It should only take between two and three seconds for your face to go from its resting position to a close-mouthed, half-turned smile. It shows to the person you’re smiling towards, that their mere presence was enough to lift you out of your resting face and force a smile, but that you’re also remaining mysterious and inviting at the same time. With this, practice makes perfect.
8. Present Open Body Language
Stop crossing your arms, like right now. Science comes to the rescue again to explain why your open body language is actually attracting attention. We men have to look dominant and alpha at all times, but then somehow appear open and inviting. It’s not the same as with women who can have a bubbly personality and a smile that lights up the room: we have a delicate tightrope to walk. Sit with your legs slightly spread, your arms wide open, and keep your hands out of your pockets. It’s as simple as that.
9. Own It, Whatever It Is
On the aspect of confidence, owning your body, your appearance and your ideals are a surefire way to appear more attractive to others. No matter what way you look at it, women hate liars, and men aren’t too fond of them either. By owning who you are confidently, you’re showing that you have nothing to hide (because you truly don’t have anything to hide), and promoting honesty. Apart from the immediate effects on others, nothing secures you in your masculinity more than being honest with yourself, and thereby being honest with others. Nobody needs the stress on them to try and be something they’re not, especially if a hopeful one-night stand turns into something meaningful down the line. You don’t want to explain missed perceptions about who you were, and find that the match was built on a lie.
10. Always Wear (Different) Cologne
Men all have those few colognes that work for them, but men just don’t seem to be wearing cologne as much anymore. Women are generally more sensitive to both positive and negative smells, which is why plenty of women remember a man’s specific scent when thinking about him. We may not remember what perfume she wore on the first date, but women just seem to remember and throw themselves back into that moment. Find that one cologne or solid cologne that really works for you, but don’t stop there. Use a service like Scentbird to find new colognes, old favorites revered by seasoned gentlemen, and switch it up from time to time to keep everyone guessing. The same goes with aftershaves or deodorants.
11. Work Out More Often (But Not Too Much)
We all want to look better, beefier, more toned and sexy, but there is such a thing as overdoing it. The shape of your body is one of the biggest contributors to confidence, and there are ways to balance aesthetics with physical strength and not look like Arnold. When asked on the street, these women in the video below tend to lean towards body types that are toned, but not overly muscular.
Too much muscle can be intimidating, but apart from the aesthetics of it all, you’re conveying a much deeper message when you have a nice, toned physique. You’re telling everyone that you take care of yourself, and we subconsciously look for people who we would want to spend the rest of our lives with. No guy or girl is after someone who’s health is a major concern right off the bat. Taking care of yourself is how you build confidence, and a fair opinion with the fairer sex.
12. Keep That Smile Pearly White
Your smile affects your life in ways you don’t immediately think of. Both sexes notice oral health, and identify it alongside how well a person takes care of themselves (like we talked about with physiques earlier). If you’re not taking care of your teeth, then what else are you neglecting about your health? So consider investing in a good electric toothbrush, some mouthwashes and dental flosses. Another great product is a toothpaste for bad breath. Apart from the fact that a white, full smile is simply more attractive, it also gives you the confidence to flaunt that smile, appear more inviting and warm, and not hinder yourself from having a good time in a group setting. Better teeth, better confidence, and smiling is contagious. Spread that positivity by example.
13. Invest in a Quality Watch
If you search Stylish Man on Google images right now, you’re going to see that most of those guys are wearing watches. Why? They’re the one classic way that men can accessorize their clothing choices without coming off with negative or demeaning stereotypes. Watches convey a feeling of responsibility, and that you have a taste in classic, fine items that old-school gentlemen are associated with. Apart from that, there’s a little secret that men and women alike go crazy over, and a watch is like the wingman of this little secret. Roll up your sleeves and expose your forearm. It’s a wildly attractive thing, and when you have the watch to bolster your style, it doubles down.
14. Get More Sleep
This isn’t just an excuse to tell you to sleep more often, it actually benefits you in numerous ways: reduced stress, increases focus and awareness, better responsiveness in conversation, just to name a few. Nobody feels their best when they’re overly tired, so how are you going to look your best? The expression of “Fake it ‘til you make it” doesn’t really apply there, because you can’t fake having energy. Aesthetically, you’ll focus on your posture, not have bags under your eyes, and you’ll be far more inclined to make positive choices throughout the day if you got ample sleep the night before. It all ties into other tips we’ve given you today.
15. Age Yourself
Women generally prefer older gentlemen, because us guys have a stigma surrounding us that we’re immature for most of our adult life. This effect can be achieved through a ton of ways: grow a light beard (visibly ages you 5-10 years), stay away from tacky trends, stick to solid colors, dress in suits when possible, and stick to traditional gentleman garb. I could go on all day about the things to avoid here, but I believe you get the picture. You don’t want to seem like you’ve fallen in line with current trends; look timeless, act like a gentleman, and you’ll appear older than you are (in the best possible way).
16. Be Mindful During Conversation
People enjoy conversations with interesting people, and as a result, others know how to pick and choose their conversation partners to some degree. Thatś because theyŕe mindful of others, such as understanding closed-off body language or identifying a timeless gentleman. But for you, when youŕe mindful in conversation, that can be best shown through intermittent pauses before responding to questions, speaking at an even tone, and not showing your emotions on your sleeve. If someone says something startling, don go bug-eyed and get loud when you reply. Be mindful, and speak out without speaking up. A man who holds himself in conversation maintains the mystery element and showcases maturity.
17. Showcase Radiant Skin
Your skin is another clear indicator of how you’re managing your health and overall appearance. If you aren’t taking care of that, then you’re letting your appearance suffer. Treating your skin with a face moisturizer and eye cream retains a youthful and appealing glow to it, but also prevents dry skin in winter, helps prevent excess oil buildup (adult acne, ingrown hairs), and overall amplifies your appearance. Nothing is more attractive than the man who seems to have everything about his appearance covered.
18. Get a Heeled Dress Shoe or Boot
Height is directly associated with being attractive. Women always describe ideal men as being taller than them, but you can always be the tallest guy in the room. When you go to get your next pair of dress shoes, Chukka boots or Chelsea boots, opt for more than the standard 0.5” heel. Find a 1.25” to a 1.75” heel and add a bit of height. It’s enough to boost your confidence and appearance, but not enough that if you end up kicking off the boots later, that youŕe going to see a noticable change in your height.
19. Get A Haircut That Compliments You
I know, it’s a lot easier said than done. Go to a high-end salon, (or look up some YouTube tutorials and get some hair trimmers), and ask for professional advice on what would look good on you. Hairstyles help define your overall style, but men are guilty of flocking to hair trends for more than women ever have. It isn’t about what’s current, it’s about what’s going to increase your sex appeal and work for you. If you don’t like high-maintenance hairstyles, don’t go with one. If your head is a bit bigger than most, go with a style that works with that. Stay away from whatever your Instagram feed is telling you (you know, unless you look ten times more dapper than anyone else rocking it).
20. Get A Dog
Sounds crazy, but it’s true, and it’s backed by science. Owning a dog not only makes you look better when you’re standing next to your furry friend but since just about everyone loves dogs, it shows an immediate commonality between you and them. Dogs are also creatures that require constant care and patience, as well as a loving home, and a happy dog is a clear indicator that you’re a kind and understanding guy. It’s nuts just how much a dog can convey to others when they’re looking for a relationship (or some boot-knocking fun), but it’ll certainly have you hitting the dog park a lot more often.