Wurkin Stiffs Toiletry Kit
If you are a man who loves to travel, workout and look good at all times, then you will appreciate this silicone toiletry bag from Wurkin Stiffs. There’s thing worse than opening your gym bag or your carry one luggage to find that you didn’t put the toothpaste lid back on or the top of your moisturizer screwed back tightly enough and now you are left with a congealed if minty mess all of your best shirt or your favorite gym shorts. Not a good look! So if you do take good care of your grooming routine and have an enviable line-up of skincare products that you never want to leave home without, you need something safe and stylish to store them all in.
While there are some great canvas or fabric options that you could go for, again, you’re faced with the same issue if a lid or top does come loose in your toiletry bag. A right old mess that is a mission to clean out. Step forward then this 100% silicone toiletry dopp kit bag from Wurkin Stiffs that can simply be wiped clean of any dirt or leaking product. Their Doppel Bag as it’s called is totally leak resistant both inside and out so if you do have a case of exploding eye serum, it will firmly stay inside your bag and not on your clothes or other luggage. You can even jump in the shower and rinse your Doppel Bag out then just leave it to dry. How simple and easy is that? Besides the obvious practicalities of this toiletry kit, it also looks pretty impressive and stylish too and will make a welcome addition to any discerning travelers luggage. With a one-piece construction of 100% silicone, it’s available in either grey or black with both options featuring a striking and bold red zip with adds a pop of color. Durable, convenient as well as stylish, this is one of the best waterproof and leak-resistant toiletry kits around.